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How to date a millionaire
16:07 19 April 2006
If you've ever dreamed of being romanced by a millionaire, taking off with a pilot or feeling the heat with a hunky fireman, the latest dating phenomenon could be the answer to your prayers.
There is a new breed of dating websites specially designed to help single women meet the men of their dreams by selection their profession - from models to millionaires.
Dating pilots
The website www.loveair.co.uk was set up to help pilots and aircrew find partners who share their passion for aviation. Loveair is also open to all singles - the perfect site for anyone who dreams of bagging their own high-flier.
Price: 9.95 for a month
Dating models
Modeldating.co.uk doesn't insist you have to be a model to sign up. The site caters for models and ordinary folk who are interested in the worlds of fashion, film and television.
As well as arranging dates between like-minded people, it could also help you land a job. Model and TV scouts look through the profile for new faces.
Price: 14.50 a month
Dating firemen Rules of the game!
Uniformdating.co.uk enables the uniformed services to date people from similar backgrounds. As well as firemen the site caters for police, nurses and the military.
Price: 14.50
Dating millionaires
Aspire7030.com gives ordinary folk the chance to date millionaires. All applicants undergo psychological profiling before they can join.
Price: 25