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16:03 21 April 2005
Hypnotherapy uses the power of the mind to help heal physical and emotional problems. There is a lot of evidence showing that the body and the mind work together, a poor state of mind can bring on ill health. Many modern diseases are, in fact, psychosomatic or stress related.
Fortunately, it has also been shown that the power of the mind has the ability to heal the body, and plays a key role in the speed and success of a patients' recovery. Hypnotherapy helps the patient determine the underlying emotional and psychological causes of continued poor health.
The use of altered states of consciousness is seen in many cultures dating back thousands of years and is still in practice today. Ritual chanting and dancing was used to bring about a trance like state and used for self-discovery and healing. Modern Western hypnosis came about in the 19th century and was approved in 1955 by the British Medical Association as a valuable technique for healing.
The therapist uses his or her voice and your natural ability to put you into a trance-like state. It is an interactive therapy and the therapist will guide you through issues you want to resolve. It is a self-discovery technique, allowing you to learn more about the emotional background to your problems.
Hypnotherapy is different to hypnosis, which is more suggestive than therapeutic. No one can be made to do anything without his or her consent under hypnotherapy. It is a consent state of mind, which requires your co-operation. The subconscious mind has a natural instinct for self-preservation and therefore will not except suggestions that are unprincipled.
Hypnotherapy can be used to aid treatment for many illnesses. The mind is our most powerful tool and hypnotherapy should be considered as an aid for recovery from any injury or illness. Some examples of health problems hypnotherapy is helpful for are:
- Stress
- Smoking
- Eating disorders
- Injury and pain
- Continued poor health
- Insomnia
- Weight control
- Addictions
The personal issues listed below can also be helped through hypnotherapy.
- Low self-esteem
- Shyness
- Relationships
- Phobias
- Career issues
- Stress
- Personal development