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Hypnic Jerk
Hypnic jerk, or when our muscles contract involuntary while asleep, could be caused by too much stress and caffeine, researchers have claimed.
18:12 21 July 2016
Hypnic jerk, is the sudden jolt that you experience as soon as you’ve dozed off to sleep jolting you awake. It’s as if you’ve tripped and you’re suddenly wrenched back to Earth from the dreamland.
Jason Ellis, Professor of Sleep Science at Northumbria University, said that hypnic jerk is an evolutionary adaptation that protected us from prey, waking us up one last time before we fall asleep to check if we’re safe in our surroundings.
Hypnic jerk occurs when the muscles, usually in the legs, involuntary contract quickly, almost like a spasm or twitch. A theory suggests that it is a merely a symptom of our active physiological system finally giving in to our sleep drive as the body moves from active and conscious motor control to a state of relaxation and bodily paralysis.
Individuals who are constantly having hypnic jerk may try to keep their motor system from being too active in order to avoid disruptions while sleeping. This can be achieved by avoiding too much caffeine and other stimulants as well as vigorous exercises in the evening. High stress and anxiety levels must also be effectively managed. Keeping a good regular sleep/wake pattern could also help.