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Herne Hill Restaurant Complains About Inlink
Herne Hill restaurant says BT’s Inlink will make their business suffer.
20:28 18 June 2018
The manager of Park’s Edge restaurant in Herne Hill says that her business is in jeopardy after Southwalk Council gave planning permission for an InLink’s phone and WiFi tower to be installed on the pavement right outside.
General Manager Claudia McKenzie said: “We want to be a more central part of Herne Hill. There are some long-standing and hardworking shop keepers on Norwood Road who people will travel to visit, but I think the road has an undeserved reputation of being slightly out of kilter with other well regarded roads in the area.
“To put something like an InLink here means our business will suffer as well as the standing of the road.”
She added: “It will attract the wrong type of behaviour and I think it is our absolute disappointment that the council has failed to listen to local traders’ concerns.
“We are a young business and we are trying very, very hard to prove our food credentials. A lot of time and investment has gone into setting up this business but we are not there yet.
“Having an InLink right outside will be a huge set back.”
Southwark councillor Kieron Williams, cabinet member for jobs, skills and innovation, said: “While the planning decision was made using the normal process and any objections would be considered as part of that, we want to try and support our local businesses and have been looking at a possible solution.
“In this instance it looks like an alternative location could be used away from the front of the shop, with a non-material change to the existing planning permission.
“BT has been advised of the issue and we hope they will respond positively.”