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Gordon follows Jamie
Gordon Ramsay looks set to front a television series to discover a new top chef.
15:38 07 September 2004
Gordon Ramsay looks set to front a television series to discover a new top chef.
The 'Chef Idol' series follows hot on the heels of Jamie Oliver's successful reality show Jamie's Kitchen.
But where Oliver took unemployed youths and put them though a year's intensive training, Ramsay will test amateur chefs and invite the best to work in a restaurant, according to the Sun newspaper.
Ramsay is fresh from reality cooking success himself - and the star of Hell's Kitchen looks to have secured a 1.5 million deal with Channel 4 for the 'Chef Idol' series.
After trialling the amateur chefs he will declare the winner.
A Channel 4 source told the Sun: "He is looking at various formats and one is for him to create a star chef."
Hopes are high that the culinary standards from the contestants will be higher than those seen on Ramsay's other reality cooking programme - Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares.

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