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Free WiFi For All NHS Estates?
Entire NHS estate to have free Wi-Fi by 2019.
19:45 28 June 2017
NHS Digital’s Wi-Fi programme will see that the entire NHS estate will have access to free internet by 2019. It aims to get all GP practices set up by the end of 2017, with hospitals and secondary care to follow in 2018.
The first phase of the programme has been initiated earlier this year by installing Wi-Fi in 991 GP practices across England. The service provides internet access to patients in their GP’s waiting room.
An NHS Digital spokeswoman said: “NHS Digital is working to make sure that everyone can access free wifi in NHS sites in England, as set out in the NHS England General Practice Forward View."
“NHS wifi will provide a secure, stable, and reliable wifi capability, consistent across all NHS settings. It will allow patients and the public to download health apps, browse the internet and access health and care information.”
The next stage of the programme is currently underway with a wider rollout across primary care. Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) will get funding for the installation of their Wi-Fi service.
“CCGs can procure wifi services on behalf of GP practices in their areas through established frameworks including the Crown Commercial Services Framework”, the spokeswoman said.