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Four Forms of Entertainment We Can Thank the Internet For
Do you ever sit and wonder what we did before the internet was invented?
17:00 15 August 2018
We know there was a time before but it seems like some long-forgotten, hazy memory, one best cast aside and rarely dwelled upon. There were books, of course, but now we tend to read those online. There was television, but now we can watch that on the big screen or tucked up in bed on our laptops, depending on how we’re feeling. There were even card games, but now those are best enjoyed on our smartphones.
Yes, the conclusion we must draw is an obvious one: the world before the internet and modern-day technology just wasn’t as entertaining. So, to celebrate that fact, here are four forms of entertainment we can only enjoy in the 21stcentury.
Social media
The world wide web has been around for a good while now, and so too has social media. Although it came along when our online world was already well established, it quickly made itself a mainstay in our lives, one that most of us no longer know how to manage without. The perfect platform for staying connected with friends old and new, enjoying ridiculous cat videos, and sharing our interests and passions, it simply wouldn’t be there to succour us without the internet to support it.
Online gambling
We know that gambling has been a popular pastime for aeons, but online gambling is a different creature entirely – one could argue that it's a vastly superior one. Allowing you to transport all the thrills and spills of a Vegas casino into the comfort of your own home, it has whole online directories dedicated to pointing you in the direction of the best places to visit, with the Casino Professors casino sites typically being safe bets when you’re looking for some trustworthy, peer-reviewed fun. There’s a reason millions of people play each and every day.
Video source: Casino Professors
Social media has its fair share of videos to keep us entertained but our go-to place when we want wholesome baby animal cuteness or a quality compilation of pranks gone wrong is still YouTube. We’ve all done it before: fallen down the rabbit hole only to emerge hours later, our psyches filled with glorious clips of cats running in fright from cucumbers and Charlie biting his brother’s finger. When our brains are incapable of handling anything more than bite-sized chunks of entertainment, YouTube fills the gap.
Whether you’re a student minus a TV licence or a 50-odd-year-old professional who wants something to binge on before bed, you’ve likely indulged in everyone’s favourite national pastime: Netflixing. This amazing archive of films and TV shows hosts enough content to keep us entertained for years – and that’s without taking any breaks. The perfect place to go when you want to kick back with some popcorn, switch off your brain, and become caught up in another world for a while, Netflix entertains us like nothing else can, and it’s the internet we have to thank for it.
What type of online entertainment could you not live without?