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Flintshire CCTV Monitoring Update
Flintshire CCTV cameras could soon be monitored in Wrexham in a bid to save money.
20:44 12 May 2019
With Flintshire Council’s CCTV control room earmarked for demolition, its CCTV cameras could be monitored in Wrexham soon.
If the service is provided from Wrexham’s control room located on the town’s industrial estate, the councils will be able to save a total of £47,000 per year.
Wrexham Council will host and manage the shared service. A staff rota would be drawn up so that the two sets of cameras have two people monitoring them at all times.
Cllr Hugh Jones (Cons) said: “Several years ago, the six North Wales local authorities looked at the feasibility of a one or two centre control room approach for the monitoring of CCTV across the whole of North Wales.
“However, because it was not possible to agree a single scheme regionally that met the needs of all of the partners, the proposal did not proceed.
“In recent month’s officers have revisited this option.
“Flintshire Council is currently looking for an alternative location for its existing CCTV control room.
“For some time now there has been significant pressure on the council’s CCTV budget as external income has reduced.
“Therefore, this proposal provides an opportunity to share costs and increase efficiency.”