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Fixing a Smashed Phone Screen
It’s bad enough when your phone gets dinged up, but when it shatters and cracks, you might feel tempted to buy a new one.
11:26 08 August 2022
It’s bad enough when your phone gets dinged up, but when it shatters and cracks, you might feel tempted to buy a new one. While some people may be comfortable with that decision, others want to repair the damage instead. If you’re part of the latter group, don’t worry. This guide will teach you how to fix your broken cell phone screen in a few easy steps.
Hands-down, one of the most frustrating things that can happen to you with your phone is if you drop it and it gets smashed. Smartphones are supposed to be tough, but what do you do when they’re not so tough? This article will give you helpful tips on fixing your shattered phone screen at home and contact information for places that can fix it for you if DIY isn’t in the cards!
What you need
A broken phone can be a real pain, but luckily there are some easy fixes. All you need is a few tools and some repair knowledge; your phone will look as good as new in no time. Gather the tools and parts you'll need. You'll need a Phillips screwdriver, a suction cup, a spudger, and a replacement screen. You can find all of these items at your local hardware store.
The repair process
First, evaluate the nature of the damage if you have a cracked or smashed phone screen. You'll need to replace the entire display if the screen is completely shattered. But if there are just a few cracks or chips, you may be able to get away with just repairing the damaged area.
- Find the shards of the glass
The first step is to locate the shards of glass that came loose when the screen broke. These shards could cause more damage if left in the phone, so take care not to cut yourself while retrieving them.
- Remove the Backplate
The second step is to remove the backplate of your phone. This will give you access to the battery and allow you to disconnect it. Use a suction cup (if possible) or guitar pick to safely pry off the screen protector.
- Identify the Damaged Part
The most important step in fixing a smashed phone screen is identifying the damaged part. This can be done by looking at the phone or consulting a professional. Once you know what needs to be replaced, you can move on to the next step.
- Clean the Glass Surface
This will help remove any dirt or debris that could be trapped under the new screen. Use a lint-free cloth and an alcohol-based cleaning solution.
Put it All Back Together
Once you have the pieces, it's time to put your phone back together. Start by gently pressing the LCD screen back into the frame. If it doesn't fit perfectly, don't worry, you can constantly adjust it later.
Final thoughts
If you’ve ever dropped your phone, you know the feeling of dread that follows. Dropping and breaking the screen on your phone can be heartbreaking, but there are some ways to get around it without having to replace the whole thing. Fortunately, if you have a little money and are willing to spend some time fixing your screen, you can still have your favorite gadget in good working order again. Follow these steps, and you should be up and running again.