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First aid knowhow for parents
11:36 30 June 2010
New research by has revealed that although 85% of parents think adventure is an important part of their children's lives, many parents do not allow their kids to enjoy new experiences.
According the poll by Elastoplast the main parental concerns include fear for their kid's safety (55%) and anxiety around their ability to cope if an accident should occur.
Many parents admitting that they played outside as a child more often than their kids do (44%) and they are more protective over them than their parents were (38%, but believe they were much safer when they were kids (38%), while 40% of parents admit they simply don't have the time or money to do adventurous activities with their kids.
And a staggering 85% of kids are craving more adventure in their lives, as more than half saying they'd have never even camped out in their back garden, laid down to watch the stars in the night sky, or watched the sun rise.
Child psychologist Dr Mandy Bryon from Great Ormond Street Hospital highlights the importance of adventure: "Allowing your children to experience risk in a controlled environment helps to develop their ability to face risks in the future and builds confidence. It helps children become resilient and gives them independence to think for themselves."
Play to learn
What computer
can teach us.
The study, which questioned 1,500 parents with children aged six to twelve, showed that 50% of kids have never taken part in any adventure sports and a further 41% have never taken part in a scavenger hunt.
Results also revealed that 41% of parents have never even talked to their children about dealing with risks or assessing danger, perhaps explaining why they are so reluctant to let their kids enjoy adventurous activities.
The children's responses backed up the parents' lack of confidence in them knowing how to cope should the worst happen. Of the 1,103 six to 12-year-olds polled, one in four don't know what to do in a fire, one in three don't know how to stay safe in a thunderstorm, and half wouldn't know what to do if they became lost in the woods.
While just under half of the parents surveyed said their children would not be very capable of finding their way home if they got lost, around 70% said they were confident that their kids were capable of telling a responsible adult their full address and home telephone number.
However, when the kids were asked, it was a very different story; 63% don't know their parents' mobile numbers and less than a quarter of eight-year-olds know their home telephone number.
A huge 69% of parents also think their kids lack the skills to perform very basic first aid for cuts and burns. But it's not just kids that are lacking in the skills department.
The research also revealed that many parents don't have essential first aid knowledge – especially for major incidents such as head injuries, broken bones or choking (75% of parents do not know how to deal with a choking child). And even when it comes to the basics – like covering a minor wound with a plaster – 70% of parents aren't following the correct procedures – leaving cuts open to dirt and infection.
In light of the findings, Elastoplast has teamed up with Dr Bryon and first aid experts St John Ambulance to launch the "Kid Escapes " campaign which encourages parents to get clued-up on basic and life-saving first aid, and teach their children these crucial life skills.
"If parents don't have the first aid skills to cope with childhood emergencies then they will face difficulty when it comes to teaching their own kids about safety," says St John Ambulance first aid trainer Clive James.
"You never know when you'll need to give first aid yourself so it's a good idea to get prepared now."
In the following three videos, St John Ambulance take you through how to deal with accidents from dressing simple cuts and scrapes to serious head traumas.
Cuts and burns:
%%youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0MeN0Mj-9Y
Choking and head injuries:
%%youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_yoSiOZXVM&feature=related
%%youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ06vi9XTAc&feature=related
Parents can help teach their kids life skills and learn more about essential first aid by visiting www.elastoplast.co.uk where they can download resources to equip them and their children for accidents.
Visit now to get your copy of demonstration videos for your PC or mobile to be ready for emergencies at any time, the 'Kids' Life Skills' pack for advice and practical activities for kids, and a special 'Become an Adventurer' pack for fun filled ways to teach kids about safety, decision-making, basic first aid and other essential life skills.