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Famous Quotes
"I took a speed-reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It involves Russia."
More quotes about Peace
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Jimi Hendrix on Peace -
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
Mahatma Gandhi on Peace -
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."
Mother Teresa on Peace -
"I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word."
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Peace -
"Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one."
John Lennon on Peace
More quotes by Woody Allen
"Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television."
"I have bad reflexes. I was once run over by a car being pushed by two guys."
"I don't believe in the after life, although I am bringing a change of underwear."
"I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens."
"There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?"