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Famous Quotes
"I'm a guy who likes to watch something cool, creepy and suspenseful and there is no show to watch as an adult that would scare me at for even four seconds."
More quotes about Cool
"Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances."
Thomas Jefferson on Cool -
"Rather be dead than cool."
Kurt Cobain on Cool -
"All women do have a different sense of sexuality, or sense of fun, or sense of like what's sexy or cool or tough."
Angelina Jolie on Cool -
"Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes."
Walt Whitman on Cool -
"It's really kind of cool to have solar panels on your roof."
Bill Gates on Cool
More quotes by Todd McFarlane
"I even knew some of the dialogue but it was definitely cool to look at. We always argue that the movies should be loyal but in this case I could argue that it might have been too loyal."