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Famous Quotes
"Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love."
More quotes about Trust
"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
William Shakespeare on Trust -
"For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth."
Bo Bennett on Trust -
"The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool."
Stephen King on Trust -
"Learning to trust is one of life's most difficult tasks."
Isaac Watts on Trust -
"Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement."
Golda Meir on Trust
More quotes by Morihei Ueshiba
"One does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art of Peace. Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train."
"There are no contests in the Art of Peace. A true warrior is invincible because he or she contests with nothing. Defeat means to defeat the mind of contention that we harbor within."
"The art of Peace I practice has room for each of the world's eight million gods, and I cooperate with them all. The God of Peace is very great and enjoins all that is divine and enlightened in every land."
"To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace."
"Economy is the basis of society. When the economy is stable, society develops. The ideal economy combines the spiritual and the material, and the best commodities to trade in are sincerity and love."