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Famous Quotes
"At a minimum the majority of search dollars will flow to a social media model because people care most about what their peers think and the technology is there for that information to be quickly shared on products and services."
More quotes about Technology
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."
Albert Einstein on Technology -
"The typewriting machine, when played with expression, is no more annoying than the piano when played by a sister or near relation."
Oscar Wilde on Technology -
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke on Technology -
"The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty, and all forms of human life."
John F. Kennedy on Technology -
"I am sorry to say that there is too much point to the wisecrack that life is extinct on other planets because their scientists were more advanced than ours."
John F. Kennedy on Technology
More quotes by Erik Qualman
"You're talking about a younger generation, Generation Y, whose interpersonal communication skills are different from Generation X. The younger generation is more comfortable saying something through a digital mechanism than even face to face."
"As social media is less about technology and more about relationship building, we are starting to see more women have a heavy influence if not dominant role in the social media space. It's no wonder that Facebook is being run in part by chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg."
"As social media is less about technology and more about relationship building, we are starting to see more women have a heavy influence if not dominant role in the social media space. It's no wonder that Facebook is being run in part by chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg."