- Change theme
Famous Quotes
Quotes by Anne M Mulcahy
- Employees are a company's greatest asset - they're your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company's mission.
- My dad was an editor and a writer, and that's actually what I aspired to be.
- Not everybody is created equal, and it's important for companies to identify those high potentials and treat them differently, accelerate their development and pay them more. That process is so incredibly important to developing first-class leadership in a company.
- Turnaround or growth, it's getting your people focused on the goal that is still the job of leadership.
- When you have that window of opportunity called a crisis, move as quickly as you can, get as much done as you can. There's a momentum for change that's very compelling.