Superfast Fibre Broadband
with broadband speeds of up to 76Mb
Watch online HD TV without buffering
Play games online without drops
Download and transfer heavy files within minutes
N Grade Router included
with broadband speeds of up to 76Mb
Fibre broadband is a new type of broadband which uses fibre optic cables instead of the traditional copper wire. Fibre optic cables are transparent fibre made of glass which transmits information at the speed of light. This helps to increase the speed of your broadband connection. Fibre broadband allows your whole family to stream videos, play online games, do high quality video chats and download files without slowing down your internet speed at the same time.
Standard broadband uses 'traditional' copper cables throughout to deliver broadband to your home, right from telephone exchange through to the street cabinet to your home. FTTC (Fibre broadband provided by Supanet) uses fibre optic cable uses advanced fibre optic cable instead of traditional copper wires to connect the street cabinet and the telephone exchange. This results in much higher (fibre) broadband speeds as compared to the standard broadband.
Supanet provides broadband speeds of up to 38Mb and 76Mb. The standard broadband package from Supanet provides broadband speed of up to 16Mb.
Fibre Broadband currently has a limited roll out. You should check with your post code to ensure that your telephone exchange is fibre enabled. Click here to check if your area is connected to fibre or call on 0800 531 6560 to check with one of our sales advisors in UK.
If our postcode checker says that fibre optic broadband is available in your area then subscribing to Fire Broadband is very quick and easy. All you have to do is call Supanet sales advisors on 0800 531 6560. Our team will guide you and provide you all information and answers regarding Fibre Broadband connection.
Yes, there are two types of fixed line fibre broadband, FTTH (fibre to the home) and FTTC (fibre to the cabinet)
FTTH connection connects the telephone exchange and your home throughout using fibre optic cable. This line is faster as there is no copper wire used. However, this is not available in most areas.
In case of Fibre-to-the-Cabinet (FTTC), the fibre cable connects the telephone exchange and the street cabinet. The street cabinet connects to your home via standard copper cable which uses VDSL or similar technology that can deliver much faster speeds over shorter distances.
Call our sales advisors in the UK on 0800 531 6560 or fill out the enquiry form on home