Superfast Fibre Broadband
with broadband speeds of up to 76Mb
if you are an existing Supanet customer you pay for only 18 months and receive fibre network for 19 months. Upgrade now and get one month free Fibre Broadband. |
For more information call
0800 531 6560 |
Download Speed |
Included Hardware
- Fibre Basic
- £ 17.99per month
- up to 38Mb
- N Grade Router Included

- Fibre Unlimited
- £ 26.99per month
- up to 38Mb
- N Grade Router Included

- Fibre Ultimate
- £ 23.99per month
- up to 76Mb*
- N Grade Router Included

- Fibre Super
- £ 29.99per month
- up to 76Mb*
- N Grade Router Included

*Call us to check whether this speed is available in your area
Fibre Basic |
Fibre Unlimited |
Fibre Ultimate |
Fibre Super |
Broadband subscription |
£17.99 |
£26.99 |
£23.99 |
£29.99 |
Download speed |
up to 38Mb |
up to 38Mb |
up to 76Mb |
up to 76Mb |
Download limit |
50Gb |
unlimited |
50Gb |
100Gb |
Included hardware |
N Grade Router |
N Grade Router |
N Grade Router |
N Grade Router |
Line rental from** |
£13.80 per month |
£13.80 per month |
£13.99 per month |
£13.99 per month |
How is Fibre Broadband better?
- High speed broadband Fibre Optic Broadband offers speeds of up to 40 Mb, as compared to up to 16Mb with standard broadband.
- More online You can stream films, download music, upload photos, tweet, email, game online and more, all at the same time.
- Multiple users Whole family can access internet at same time and still enjoy high speeds.
- Quick file transfer Quick uploading, downloading and transfer of large files.
- N Grade router Wireless N technology router included with both the packages. Get consistent speed that would not stop you from downloading, uploading, internet browsing and a whole lot of other online activities along with 64/128-bit WEP encryption security.
- No buffering Watch movies and TV series online without buffering.
Compare Broadband Speeds
Fibre Ultimate |
Fibre Basic |
Standard Broadband
- Track
- 9 seconds
- 2 seconds
- 1 second
- Album
- 2 minutes
- 28 seconds
- 13 seconds
- Movies (SD)
- 1 hour 28 minutes
- 20 minutes
- 9 minutes 40 seconds
- Movies (HD)
- 2 hours 20 minutes
- 28 minutes
- 14 minutes
- TV Programme (half hour)
- 33 minutes
- 7 minutes
- 3 minutes
- Photo Album Upload
- 10 minutes
- 5 minutes
- 1 minute
- Short Video Upload
- 2 minutes
- 1 minute
- 12 seconds
* Average ADSL sync speed is the UK is 7.5Mb down and 1Mb up, with an average sustained throughput of 60% of this over
all speed based on source of the download and usage time.
* Average FTTC sync speed is the UK is 38Mb down and 2Mb up with an average sustained throughput of 60% of this over all
speed based on source of the download and usage time.
* Average FTTC Pro sync speed is the UK is 76Mb down and 10Mb up with an average sustained throughput of 60% of this
over all speed based on source of the download and usage time.
- MP3 track is 5Mb (good encoding rate)
- Album is 80Mb (16 tracks with good encoding rate)
- SD Movie at 180 minutes is 3.3Gb
- HD Movie at 180 minutes 4.7Gb
- TV Programme (half hour) 1.1Gb
- Photo Album 45Mb
- Short Video 9Mb