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Trailer: Coriolanus
08:51 17 August 2011
%%youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsYrGIQnmxo&
In cinemas: 20 January 2012
Starring: Ralph Fiennes, Gerard Butler, Vanessa Redgrave, Brian Cox, James Nesbitt
The people of Rome are hungry – they cannot afford to eat. Riots are widespread. Their vitriol turns on Caius Martius (later to be Coriolanus), Rome’s foremost general who despises the people.
Simultaneously, Rome is at war with the Volsces, a neighbouring state which is lead by Caius MartiusÂ’s sworn enemy, Tullus Aufidius. When CaiusÂ’s outstanding courage secures the Volscian city of Corioles for Rome and the Volscians are defeated, Caius is newly named Coriolanus in honor of his victory. The peopleÂ’s anger subsides.
His mother Volumnia, who has instilled in him a strict martial code of honor, anticipates Coriolanus being elected ‘Consul’ – a ruling position in the Roman senate.
The Tribunes, the elected representatives of the people, persuade the masses that they should renege on their votes and refuse Coriolanus the office of Consul. Coriolanus is enraged and his vocal aggression leads to a major riot after which he is banished from Rome.
Coriolanus seeks out Aufidius and offers either his life or his services against his parent city. Confronted by his greatest enemy, Tullus must decide whether to accept Coriolanus as his warrior in arms and seize the opportunity to defeat an Empire, or to destroy his life-long rival and try to take Rome alone, while in its most vulnerable stateÂ…