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Driving lessons for young savers
HSBC has announced free driving lessons for all new young customers.
15:20 10 June 2004
HSBC has announced it is to offer free driving lessons to all new young customers.
The new bank account, one8two1, has been recently launched and is especially tailored for 18-21 year-olds. It is currently offering these driving lessons as an incentive to lure new savers.
Canada Square-based HSBC will also offer free financial advice to encourage those in their first jobs to manage their finances more responsibly.
Speaking to the Canary Wharf website, icthewharf.co.uk, Rebecca Stephen, head of youth accounts at HSBC, said: "HSBC thinks that it's important to offer advice to young entrepreneurs of tomorrow as it helps the undergraduates of today find their feet."
Additional benefits of the new young persons account include a 50 fee-free overdraft buffer zone for up to ten working days, to help customers who overestimate the state of their balance.
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