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Double Trouble
A father is seeking help online as he struggles to tell his twins apart.
17:03 29 February 2016
A father is seeking help online as he struggles to tell his twins apart; one of the boys require medications every four hours for a serious health condition.
A father who can’t tell his identical one-year-old apart has made a desperate plea online to parents of other sets of twins. His desperation stemmed from the fact that one of his boys requires medications every four hours for a serious health condition.
He had admitted to drawing on the baby’s arm every day using marker pen but admits he needs a permanent solution.
Writing on social networking Reddit, he said: If he doesn't have his medication it leads to significant consequences. [The boys] are completely identical. Even me and my wife can't tell them apart and have been drawing on Adam's arm every day with permanent marker."
Desperate for a more permanent solution, he explained: "The twins were at Grandma's and after a bath rubbed off the text, Grandma accidentally gave Aaron's medication to Adam.
"Adam ended up very sick and Aaron in hospital for a week. This is a serious, extreme situation and I don't want to take this risk again. We have had other mix-ups with the boys but it has never wound up this bad."
One Reddit users suggested using nail polish. "My friend has a similar issue and used to paint her boys' toenails. She ended up getting a dot tattooed on the bottom of one boy's foot.
Another user commented: "I think the ear piercing is a great idea, very low risk. Babies often have their ears pierced while they are young with no extreme side effects.
"It sounds incredibly stressful, good luck in the future."