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Don't let prostrate cancer hide!
11:10 09 March 2010
March is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and men throughout Britain are being urged to go and get themselves checked out.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, with 32,000 males diagnosed with each year in the UK. The disease claims the lives of almost a third of those. That's the equivalent of one man dying every hour – making it the second most deadly form of cancer in men (after lung cancer). Yet it doesn’t have to be like this.
If diagnosed early enough, and with the right treatment, there is a strong chance of surviving. A simple check-up could detect prostate cancer early, potentially saving lives from what can be a fatal disease.
According to figures from Cancer Research UK, three quarters of men diagnosed with prostate cancer now survive the disease beyond five years; this is compared to the 1970s when only a third survived.
Evidence shows that there are certain groups of men more at risk of developing the disease than others. The strongest risk factor for prostate cancer is age, with men over the age of 50 and those with a family history being most at risk.
Men of middle age and beyond, in particular, are urged to be extra vigilant of the disease and are encouraged to go for a check-up.
In its early stages the disease might not show any obvious symptoms. However common symptoms to be aware of may include:
- needing to urinate more often, especially at night
- a feeling that your bladder has not emptied properly
- difficulty passing urine
- dribbling urine
- needing to rush to the toilet, so that you may even leak urine sometimes
Almost as many men die from prostate cancer each year as women from breast cancer. Despite this, new research commissioned by The London Clinic reveals that only 1 in 20 (5%) of men aged between 45 to 54 had been offered a screening or been made aware of the importance of being screened.
That's why it's extremely important for men to know what to look out for and have a prostate check if they have concerns, especially if they are in a high-risk group.
In the following video, Professor Roger Kirby, Consultant Urologist at The London Clinic, runs through both the disease and the treatment options available to get you in the know about the importance of getting your check-up:
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If in doubt - get it checked out!