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Does Rosemary Aid Longevity?
Rosemary-rich diet linked to long life expectancy in Italian village.
21:48 31 March 2016
Teams of medical experts believe that rosemary-rich diet could be the key to living 100 free of heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
The researchers are investigating 300 centenarians in a remote Italian village called Accioroli, near the resort of Salermo. Rosemary appears to be the commonly used by the group who have a remarkable record of living longer and living free of diseases commonly associated with the elderly.
San Diego doctor Professor Alan Maisel said: ‘We are the first group of researchers to be given permission to study this population in Acciaroli, Italy.’
‘The goal of this long-term study is to find out why this group of 300 is living so long by conducting a full genetic analysis and examining lifestyle behaviours, like diet and exercise.
‘The results from studying the longevity of this group could be applied to our practice at UC San Diego and to patients all over the world.