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Diss Town Council LED Lighting
Diss Town Council to replace town’s streetlights with energy efficient LED lamps using smart technology.
17:10 25 March 2019
Diss Town Council and Suffolk County Council are working together to replace streetlights in Diss with energy efficient LED lamps powered by smart technology.
Currently, the majority of town’s streetlights are owned and maintained by South Norfolk Council. However, following a county-wide review on the future of streetlights, South Norfolk has decided to decommission two thirds of its street lights to cut costs. Following the announcement, Diss Town Council agreed a contract with Suffolk County Council who will take over maintenance of the town’s lights from April 1.
Town mayor Trevor Wenman said: “We have agreed to contract with Suffolk County Council to manage our street lights and to replace them. The plan will be that they will take over responsibility for street lights but the good news is that we will also be replacing all of the lights that we are taking over with LED lamps before the end of the year. I am hopeful that residents will see a change relatively quickly.”
Town councillor Adrian Kitchen said: “Eventually all of these new light fittings will be smart lamps so that means that the people who are going to look after them know as soon as the light needs attention because it will tell them. It will also report on their performance so we should get better service.”