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Diabetes Prevention Trial
A major trial aimed at preventing type-1 diabetes in children is set to start in Scotland.
17:40 22 April 2016
Children in Scotland who have a parent or sibling with type-1 diabetes will be invited to take a blood test to determine their risk of developing the disease. Those at risk will be offered a drug called metformin, which is already being used to treat diabetes, to see if it can prevent the development of the condition.
Scotland has the third highest rate of type-1 diabetes in the world and a good system of record to identify affected families.
The study, called autoimmune diabetes accelerator prevention trial (Adapt), is based on the theory developed by Prof Terence Wilkin, from the University of Exeter Medical School, who suggested that the development of the disease can be halted by protecting the beta cells.
He said: "It is possible that a modern environment accelerates the loss of beta cells by overworking and stressing them.
"As a consequence, this could be contributing to the rising incidence of type-1 diabetes, which is appearing in ever younger age groups.
"Adapt will use a medication to protect the beta cells from the stress, so that they survive longer."