- Change theme
Could Remote Learning Change Future Learning
Highland Council introduces innovative approach to digital teaching and learning during coronavirus lockdown.
12:25 09 May 2020
Highland Council's innovative approach to digital teaching and learning has made the transition from the traditional classroom setting to home learning smoother for all school pupils and educators during the coronavirus lockdown.
The local council's schools' digital learning hub has been designed to provide full support to teachers and pupils. It offers a daily programme of professional learning and uses G-Suite for Education as a platform. A number of different resources, at each different Curriculum for Excellence level and subject specific level, has been recently added to the hub.
Tania Mackie, one of the members of the education improvement team leading on this innovation, said: "Communications has been key. One of the ways we are supporting staff across Highland is through networks. These networks are formed using Google Classroom, we are connecting teaching together by using ICT platforms to collaborate and share good practice across all key stages and subject areas.
"We're seeing this as an interim solution but equally one which could change education in the future. For some time now, we have been discussing and planning networks of principal teachers, deputy heads, head teachers, sharing of resource and now we are actually seeing this happen."