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Cherry To Beat Insomnia
Drinking a glass of cherry juice everyday could help cure insomnia, new research suggests.
15:35 17 January 2017
A new study by Louisiana State University has found that drinking a glass of cherry juice everyday could increase sleep time and address sleep-related issues.
The research was participated by people suffering from insomnia who, after two weeks of drinking cherry juice have gained, on average, an extra 83 minutes of sleep a night.
Meanwhile, a separate research by Northumbria University found that drinking two glasses of cherry juice every day could also increase ‘sleep efficiency’ – a global measure of sleep quality.
The unlikely health concoction was used by athletes ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics to reduce recovery time between events.
Performance nutritionist Nigel Mitchell said: "Many athletes find that cherry juice also supports sleep when taken an hour before bedtime."
The fruit drink, which is known for its high sugar content, is laced with tryptophan, which turns into melatonin in the body, the hormone responsible for feelings of drowsiness.