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Box office success a little fishy
Shark Tale, the story of a fish that fibbed, has held on to the top spot in the US box office chart.
17:06 11 October 2004
Shark Tale, the story of a fish that fibbed, has held on to the top spot in the US box office chart.
What is more, the sub-aquatic story looks like it could hold on to the top spot for a third week as well.
This week the film managed to see off Billy Bob Thornton's Friday Night Lights, despite the almost-true American Football tale garnering a more than respectable $21 million (12 million) in its first week.
Little competition is expected next week from the puppet-fuelled fantasy that is Team America: World Police (putting the "f" back in "freedom") - which is opening in only 2,500 theatres and J.Lo and Richard Gere's romantic comedy Shall We Dance - which opens on just 1,400 screens.
More excitingly for fans of British comedy, Shaun of the Dead has managed to cling on to its place in the top ten for the third week, pushing its overall takings to $9.3 million in the US and Canada.
The success of Shark Tale has baffled many critics - but with a cast that includes Will Smith, Robert De Niro, Renee Zellweger, Angelina Jolie, Jack Black and Martin Scorsese sheer star-power cannot be ruled out.
The top ten in the US:
1 - Shark Tale, $31.7 million
2 - Friday Night Lights, $20.6 million
3 - Ladder 49, $13.3 million
4 - Taxi, $12.1 million
5 - The Forgotten,$7.5 million
6 - Raise Your Voice, $4.6 million
7 - Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow , $2.27 million
8 - Shaun of the Dead, $1.59 million
9 - Resident Evil: Apocalypse, $1.25 million
10 - Woman Thou Art Loosed, $1.2 million

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