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Bear with a sore a**e
Jason has been stirring up emotions and making enemies in the house today.
17:02 29 June 2004
Jason has been stirring up emotions and making enemies in the house today.
He managed to receive his second formal warning from Big Brother (the first being for the infamous fight) for leaving the couch during nominations - he then blamed his fellow housemates.
In a move sure to prove popular, the fake-tanner claimed he was forced from the sofas by other housemates' smoking.
Marco's response was simple. Speaking to Nadia later he said: "I felt like saying to him, well I hope you don't have to sit through another nomination ceremony...which is smoky!"
Dan branded the man with prize buttocks a "a bear with a sore a**e" and claimed to his face: "A lot of the time you act like a child."
Even the much vaunted blonde alliance was falling apart, with Shell alleging: "You've been very crabby lately."
"Why is he in such a miserable mood, do we know?" Michelle asked Dan.
"It depresses him. He shouldn't be here," Dan replied, having earlier told the Scot he could leave at any time.
The question is will he walk or be pushed?

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