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Be Bee Friendly
UK residents are invited to participate in a bee “census†using an app and taking and uploading photos of the ones they spot.
10:07 06 May 2015
Bees, which play a vital role in pollinating the crops, are under threat from loss of habitat, pesticide use, and climate change. Because of this, conservationists are calling on the British public to make their gardens as “bee friendly” as possible and to participate in a bee “census”
UK residents are invited to download a dedicated app that they can use to taking and upload photos of bees that they’ve spotted. This recorded sightings will help monitor the overall population.
In a similar count last year, 23,000 people spotted more than 830,000 bees and it was revealed that yellow and black bumblebees were the most-seen type of bee in all regions.
Wildlife presenter Steve Backshall said: "Bees are our pals,"
"Without their pollinating powers, our planet would grind to a halt. So get out, have a fun day in the countryside, and do a bit of 'citizen science' counting our buzzing buddies."
Tips on how to make your garden bee-friendly
•Plant nectar and pollen rich flowers
•Plant purple blooms that bees see easily
•Grow clover and dandelions
•Create an artificial beehive using a load of bamboo tube stacked up on top of each other
•Provide a clean source of water in a shallow bowl