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Are Wine, Coffee And Tea Good For The Gut?
Wine, coffee, and tea linked to healthier and more diverse gut bacteria, a study has found.
16:41 05 May 2016
A new Dutch study suggests that a glass of wine or a cup of coffee can help maintain levels of good bacteria in the body. It added that people who regularly consume yogurt or buttermilk also have a greater diversity of gut bacteria.
The findings were based on the questionnaires on diet, medicine prescription and health of 1,1000 people combined with the analysis of their gut DNA frozen stools.
Professor of Human Genetics, Dr Cisca Wijmenga of the University of Groningen said: 'Normally researchers only investigate one particular region of DNA in which different groups of bacteria can be distinguished.
'We have mapped all the bacterial DNA to gain much more detailed information about bacteria types.
'You see, for example, the effect of diet in the gut.'
He added: 'Disease often occurs as the result of many factors.
'Most of these factors, like your genes or your age, are not things you can change.
'But you can change the diversity of your microbiome through adapting your diet or medication.
'When we understand how this works, it will open up new possibilities.'