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Alexander Technique
15:50 21 April 2005
Many traditional therapies emphasise the importance of posture to allow correct energy flow through the body. The Alexander Technique trains people to use their bodies harmoniously, preventing habits that produce unnecessary stress and tension in the body.
Many people feel discomfort and pain everyday when attempting to maintain what we assume should come naturally - good posture.
The Alexander Technique is a method of changing the way we utilise our bodies in day-to-day activities. It aims to release unnecessary tension held in the body bringing it into alignment and balance.
The basis of the theory is that the body functions as a whole and the individual needs to become more conscious and aware of their movement.
F. Matthias Alexander (1869 -1955) was an Australian poet and actor. He began losing his voice during recitals and after self-examination concluded it was a result of the way he held his neck and head whilst performing.
Over many years he continued his study of human movement and its effect on overall health and well-being, eventually developing his postural method.
What conditions can it help? The Alexander Technique may be used to help a variety of problems. Athletes and Drama students use it to produce an overall awareness of their body.
It can also help individuals increase self-confidence. Other areas it is effective in are:
- Back and neck pain
- Respiratory complaints
- Stress
Releasing tension and unnecessary effort from the body will promote a general sense of well-being.