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Ahmed and Becki face off
Ahmed and Becki have been nominated to face eviction by their fellow housemates.
11:25 07 July 2004
Ahmed and Becki have been nominated to face eviction by their fellow housemates.
Becki received four votes - from Dan, Michelle, Stuart and Shell; Ahmed got votes from Becki, Michelle and Stuart. Victor and Jason were banned from voting for repeatedly discussing nominations.
Ahmed gave the busty Brunette a literal whipping a couple of days ago in the Big Brother garden and the signs point to the situation remaining the same when the public get their chance to vote on who is evicted.
History shows that every contestant who has entered the Big Brother house late has been voted out at the first opportunity - by both public and housemates.
And bookies would seem to agree.
Despite Ahmed's impassioned speech to the other housemates - not to mention the viewers - that he has had enough and wants to be voted out, Becki is the overwhelming favourite to leave the house on Friday.
William Hill has her at 3:1 on to go, while Ahmed is 9:4 against.
And the florist's case has not been improved by her antics inside the house.
In an attempt to up her popularity she has been playing practical jokes on her other housemates. After getting Victor all riled-up by putting Dan's underwear in his draw, she stuffed Ahmed's bed with pillows to make it look like someone was sleeping in it. This prompted the (mostly) passive housemate to chase her round the room and hoist her onto his back.
Yesterday she played the part of a silly schoolgirl to get a laugh - managing to annoy Mr Mediator himself, Dan.
"There are a few people who need bringing down a peg or two," Dan complained. "As for leprechaun woman this morning - deliberately f***ing up! If she does it again she's gonna feel the cold side of my sense of humour."
But the double-d housemate has succeeded in earning some respect.
Slick Vic confessed in the Diary Room that he was warming to the Londoner.
"When I first saw her she looked rodent-like. I thought I might have to call Rentokil to sort this gaff out," he said of her arrival.
But there were mitigating factors: "I think my view might have been obscured by Nadia's jaw," he added.
However, he went on to say that since then he has grown to like Becki and even finds her attractive.
But even in Vic's affections she still plays second string to the man responsible for "Ahmania"
"I don't want to see him go. I like the guy. He's a good, straight down the line, honest man. He's full of integrity and honour. And he's absolutely hilarious," Vic explained.

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