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Aberdeen 5G Technology
First 5G-ready technology had been switched on in Aberdeen’s key locations.
15:05 04 October 2017
The first ever 5G-ready technology has been finally switched on in Aberdeen’s key locations, including the railway station, the University of Aberdeen and Pittodrie. It uses a network of small cells that are connected to fibre links, which “deliver faster and higher capacity mobile services.”
The network is expected to extend across the rest of the city as part of the £10million plan by the city council, Wireless Infrastructure Group (WIG), and mobile operator 02.
Scott Coates, CEO of WIG, said: “Every major city in the UK is thinking about small cells but in the race to be 5G ready, Aberdeen’s city council had the vision to unlock industry investment in the enabling wireless infrastructure needed to transform mobile connectivity.”
Council co-leader Douglas Lumsden said that technology put the city at the “forefront of digital technology across Britain.”
He added: “We have a clear vision of enabling the best mobile and wireless connectivity across Aberdeen to stimulate local economic growth.”
Meanwhile, Michael Hutchison, the spokesman for SNP infrastructure said that 5G capability would be “great for the city.”
But added: “The council needs to work and operate within its means but it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to hear this policy-free administration back calls for driver-free cars given that we currently have two co-leaders asleep at the wheel.”