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Aberdeen 1Gbps Fibre to the Home
Aberdeen to become the second UK city (after Milton Keynes) to benefit from Vodafone and Cityfibre’s ultrafast broadband network.
17:02 24 February 2018
Vodafone and Cityfibre have confirmed that they are bringing 1Gbps capable fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) ultrafast broadband network to Aberdeen, Scotland. The project is expected to cost approximately £40million.
Vodafone and Cityfibre have signed a deal late last year to rollout FTTH in major areas in the UK. Phase one of the project is set to reach at least 1 million UK homes by 2021 and additional 5 million homes in approximately 50 towns and cities by 2025.
The first city to benefit from the rollout is Milton Keynes and Cityfibre committed £40million for the project.
Douglas Lumsden, Co-Leader of Aberdeen City Council, said: “This announcement represents a significant step forward in delivering connectivity which will change the lives of residents and give businesses access to new ways of working. Aberdeen City Council is determined to lead from the front in digital transformation and enhance the city’s standing on the global stage.
Greg Mesch, Chief Executive of CityFibre, said: “Our commitment to Aberdeen is further evidence of the action CityFibre is taking to deliver Britain’s full fibre future. Our existing network in Aberdeen provides us with an eighteen-month head-start on a full fibre roll-out to nearly every home and business in the city. With similar FTTP backbone networks already built in over 40 UK towns and cities, our contribution to national full fibre coverage is well underway.
We are getting on with the job of building Gigabit Britain – at full speed.”