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5 Sleep Apps and Gadgets that Will Help You Fall Asleep and Wake Up with More Energy
Technology and sleep are two contronyms that cancel out each other's importance.
13:29 29 December 2020
Many research has shown how teenagers are turning to gadgets instead of giving more time to their health. The excessive use of gadgets has nullified the concept of sleep from the lives of youngsters.
While teens are busy scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, taking tours from one application to another as the night is still young, the adults are relying on the very same technical assistance to fall asleep. The significance of using sleeping aid gadgets can be witnessed through the application of the software.
Sleep gadgets and wearables have become a widespread use for those busy adults to doze off into a blissful slumber. In this article, we will share with you five sleep apps and gadgets that you can use to send you off to the land of Nod.
The Importance of Using Sleeping Gadgets and Applications
Sleep is one of the essential amenities to invigorate our physical being. It is the therapy one needs to energize and recharge one's body. The importance of sleep depends on sustaining a healthy mind and body. However, getting an 8-hour sleep is nothing but a luxury for many working adults.
All game and no rest could lead one to experience impaired senses as sleep can keep you psychologically and mentally grounded. It is through the internal 'body clock' that oversees the pattern of our sleep. It generates when one is tired or when one needs sleep, which is known as the Circadian Rhythm. Nonetheless, not satisfying this required quota of sleep for at least 8-hours could lead one to face sleep deprivation.
This functionality rather changes the internal 'body clock' that alters the sleeping pattern. This constant shift could lead to impairment of the senses. Though many take the help of sleeping aid, the cons of these aids in the form of sleeping pills weigh more than the pros. The risk of using sleeping pills could lead to unnecessary dependence on them.
Thanks to technical advancement, the inclusion of specialized gadgets and advanced applications in the contemporary era have changed the way that helps one to maintain a healthy cognitive and psychological therapy. Lack of sleep could lead one to experience obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and poor mental health.
To stray away from all these issues, one should use technology to sleep better. The usage of wearable gadgets and apps could improve one's sleeping habits ensuring realistic bedtime.
- Gadgets can be used as an alternative to relaxation therapy
- It can control the stimulus.
- It can establish healthy sleep and wake patterns.
Top 5 gadgets and Apps You Should Incorporate to Improve Sleeping Patterns:
Falling asleep as soon as the head hits the pillow is nothing but a luxury to some who find falling asleep very hard. To ensure that you get a good night's sleep, incorporate these gadgets and apps to maintain a healthy sleeping pattern.
- SleepingOcean
This particular application is a form of a sleeping calculator that monitors and analyses our sleeping habits to produce an effective result on the time that is best for us to fall asleep. This easy-to-use calculator requires you to put only two pieces of information - your age and the time when you want to wake up.
The calculator will show you the result based on the data you put. To stay healthy and to maintain a healthy sleeping cycle, you should check out this sleep calculator here.
- BluBlocker Glasses
Many experts have claimed that using a computer or watching TV before you go to sleep could ruin the sleeping pattern. The blue light emitted from the screen of a PC or a TV will not only affect the eyes but will create an impact that could lead one to have sleepless nights.
The wearable gadget, BluBlocker glasses, blocks out that blue light emitted from the screens of TV and PC. You can now watch that episode of the show you were binge-watching or send that email to your boss before going to sleep.
- Sleep Deeply
This particular application tends to create a soothing effect on the mind of the user via providing them with relaxation and hypnosis sessions. With an extensive and thorough FAQs section that makes it easier to understand the functionality of the application, make sure that you use it to relieve yourself from anxiety and tension.
- Phillip Hue
The Phillip Hue White and Colour starter kit is the best way to introduce yourself to the concept of sleeping under a starry night. Mimicking the aura that the starlit sky emits, this particular gadget will help you feel relaxed right away. Get it installed now.
This premium piece of wearable tech made by Fitbit tracks how long you stay in the light, deep, and REM sleep stages. It also monitors the time you are awake. With that, it analyses your heart-rate giving you an overall sleep score and a thorough result.
Final Words
We all know how significant it is to retain a decent resting habit. Not all of us can sleep like a log. Hopefully, the all-rounder applications and wearable gadgets that we provided you with will help you maintain your sleeping pattern and regulate a healthy lifestyle.