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Famous Quotes
Quotes by William
- We love peace, but not peace at any price.
- We made happy sounds because we were upset... just trying to make a positive situation out of a negative one.
- We make out of the quarrel with others, rhetoric, but of the quarrel with ourselves, poetry.
- We may be personally defeated, but our principles never!
- We need to shift from an economic organizing principle for human civilization, to a humanitarian organizing principle. Making money more important than your own children is a pathological way for an individual to run their affairs, and it's a pathological way for a society to run its affairs.
- We receive His peace when we ask Him for it. We keep His peace by extending it to others. Those are the keys and there are no others.
- We remained at our encampment of this day until the morning of the 7th, when we descended ten miles lower down and encamped on a spot of ground where several thousand Indians had wintered during the past season.
- We smile at the ignorance of the savage who cuts down the tree in order to reach its fruit but the same blunder is made by every person who is over eager and impatient in the pursuit of pleasure.
- We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger.
- We were succeeding. When you looked at specifics, this became a war of attrition. We were winning.
- We will see that our new attitude toward liquor has been given to us without any thought or effort on our part. It just comes! That is the miracle of it.
- We win by tenderness. We conquer by forgiveness.
- We'll sort of get over the marriage first and then maybe look at the kids. But obviously we want a family so we'll have to start thinking about that.
- We're all of us guinea pigs in the laboratory of God. Humanity is just a work in progress.
- Wealth flows from energy and ideas.
- Weep not that the world changes - did it keep a stable, changeless state, it were cause indeed to weep.
- Well, first of all, I think that a lot of the voters who are voting for the tea party candidates have really good impulses. That is, they believe that for years and years and years, the people with wealth and power or government power have done well and ordinary people have not. That's true.
- Well, I am now convinced there is no kind of fear or anxiety anyone has to live with.
- Well, if Fortune be a woman, she's a good wench for this gear.
- Well, my mom taught public school music for almost 40 years. And she's about 5 feet - and very mighty. And she would control her kids a lot by giving them the eye, or the stare.
- Well-written words are music.
- What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god.
- What a strange world this would be if we all had the same sense of humor.
- What happened in the past that was painful has a great deal to do with what we are today, but revisiting this painful past can contribute little or nothing to what we need to do now.
- What I had said in the morning was that this is what we know has happened, but there has been no significant off-site release. Only to find out moments later that, in fact, there had been an off-site release. I still haven't gotten over that.
- What I loved about 'Summer' was that they were these four bright kids with a wonderful future. In a way, she was the one with the brains, and then you have the beauty queen and the jock and the introvert.
- What is a wife and what is a harlot? What is a church and what is a theatre? are they two and not one? Can they exist separate? Are not religion and politics the same thing? Brotherhood is religion. O demonstrations of reason dividing families in cruelty and pride!
- What is grand is necessarily obscure to weak men. That which can be made explicit to the idiot is not worth my care.
- What is the price of experience? Do men buy it for a song? Or wisdom for a dance in the street? No, it is bought with the price of all the man hath, his house, his wife, his children.
- What money is better bestowed than that of a schoolboy's tip? How the kindness is recalled by the recipient in after days! It blesses him that gives and him that takes.
- What students lack in school is an intellectual relationship or conversation with the teacher.
- What the public expects and what is healthy for an individual are two very different things.
- What you say about this world I do not quite agree with I think it a very good world, and only requires a person to be reasonable in his expectations, and not to trust too much to others.
- Whatever education I got was from experience and reading. But I also realize I wouldn't pass my friend's sixth-grade class.
- Whatever enlarges hope will also exalt courage.
- Whatever universe a professor believes in must at any rate be a universe that lends itself to lengthy discourse. A universe definable in two sentences is something for which the professorial intellect has no use. No faith in anything of that cheap kind!
- When a Cabinet Minister who is sacked for telling lies is re-appointed, in the face of every constitutional convention, only for the same man to be sacked again from the same Cabinet for the same offence by the same Prime Minister no wonder the public are cynical about politics.
- When a father gives to his son, both laugh when a son gives to his father, both cry.
- When an action is once done, it is right or wrong for ever no accidental failure of its good or evil fruits can possibly alter that.
- When from our better selves we have too long been parted by the hurrying world, and droop. Sick of its business, of its pleasures tired, how gracious, how benign is solitude.
- When I did the film Generations, in which the character died, I felt like a guest for the first time. That made me very sad.
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