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Famous Quotes
Quotes by Franklin D Roosevelt
- The truth is found when men are free to pursue it.
- The United States Constitution has proved itself the most marvelously elastic compilation of rules of government ever written.
- There is nothing I love as much as a good fight.
- True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.
- War is a contagion.
- We are trying to construct a more inclusive society. We are going to make a country in which no one is left out.
- We continue to recognize the greater ability of some to earn more than others. But we do assert that the ambition of the individual to obtain for him a proper security is an ambition to be preferred to the appetite for great wealth and great power.
- We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.
- We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings.
- Whoever seeks to set one religion against another seeks to destroy all religion.
- Yesterday, December seventh, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
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