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Famous Quotes
- This was not an act of terrorism, but it was an act of war.
- George W. Bush on War
- Those wars are unjust which are undertaken without provocation. For only a war waged for revenge or defense can be just.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero on War
- Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves.
- William Hazlitt on War
- Those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war.
- Winston Churchill on War
- Those who have experienced the most, have suffered so much that they have ceased to hate. Hate is more for those with a slightly guilty conscience, and who by chewing on old hate in times of peace wish to demonstrate how great they were during the war.
- Thor Heyerdahl on War
- Those who remember Washington's cold war culture in the 1980s will recall the shocked reactions to Reagan's intervention. People interested in foreign policy were astonished when in 1985 he met alone at Geneva - alone, not a single strategic thinker at his elbow! - with the Soviet Communist master Gorbachev.
- Russell Baker on War
- Throughout the 20th century, the Republican Party benefited from a non-interventionist foreign policy. Think of how Eisenhower came in to stop the Korean War. Think of how Nixon was elected to stop the mess in Vietnam.
- Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.
- Thus, the use of fiat money is more justifiable in financing a depression than in financing a war.
- Carroll Quigley on War
- Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy.
- To all those who walk the path of human cooperation war must appear loathsome and inhuman.
- Alfred Adler on War
- To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.
- George Washington on War
- To deal with the true causes of war one must begin by recognizing as of prime relevancy to the solution of the problem the familiar fact that civilization is a partial, incomplete, and, to a great extent, superficial modification of barbarism.
- Elihu Root on War
- To delight in war is a merit in the soldier, a dangerous quality in the captain, and a positive crime in the statesman.
- George Santayana on War
- To establish any mode to abolish war, however advantageous it might be to Nations, would be to take from such Government the most lucrative of its branches.
- Thomas Paine on War
- To hold a pen is to be at war.
- To secure peace is to prepare for war.
- Karl Von Clausewitz on War
- To walk through the ruined cities of Germany is to feel an actual doubt about the continuity of civilization.
- George Orwell on War
- To win this war, we need a commander in chief, not a professor of law standing at the lectern.
- Sarah Palin on War
- Today we know that World War II began not in 1939 or 1941 but in the 1920's and 1930's when those who should have known better persuaded themselves that they were not their brother's keeper.
- Hubert H. Humphrey on War
- Total war is no longer war waged by all members of one national community against all those of another. It is total... because it may well involve the whole world.
- Jean-Paul Sartre on War
- Unconditional war can no longer lead to unconditional victory. It can no longer serve to settle disputes... can no longer be of concern to great powers alone.
- John F. Kennedy on War
- Until democracy in effective enthusiastic action fills the vacuum created by the power of modern inventions, we may expect the fascists to increase in power after the war both in the United States and in the world.
- Henry A. Wallace on War
- Vice stirs up war, virtue fights.
- Luc De Clapiers on War
- Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
- Virtue is a state of war, and to live in it we have always to combat with ourselves.
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau on War
- Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism.
- Noam Chomsky on War
- War - An act of violence whose object is to constrain the enemy, to accomplish our will.
- George Washington on War
- War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.
- George Orwell on War
- War alone brings up to their highest tension all human energies and imposes the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have the courage to make it.
- Benito Mussolini on War
- War can be avoided, and it ought to be avoided. I want no war.
- Chief Joseph on War
- War can be so impersonal yet when we put a name, a face, a place and match it to families, then war is not impersonal.
- Dennis Kucinich on War
- War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.
- Mao Zedong on War
- War consisteth not in battle only, or the act of fighting but in a tract of time, wherein the will to contend by battle is sufficiently known.
- Thomas Hobbes on War
- War contains so much folly, as well as wickedness, that much is to be hoped from the progress of reason.
- James Madison on War
- War continues to divide people, to change them forever, and I write about it both because I want people to understand the absolute futility of war, the 'pity of war' as Wilfred Owen called it.
- Michael Morpurgo on War
- War contributes greatly to global warming, which shouldn't surprise us. All those bombs going off, all those rockets, all those planes and helicopters. All that fuel of various kinds being used. It pollutes the air and water of this very fragile and interconnected planet.
- Alice Walker on War
- War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
- Bertrand Russell on War
- War grows out of the desire of the individual to gain advantage at the expense of his fellow man.
- Napoleon Hill on War
- War had always seemed to me to be a purely human behavior. Accounts of warlike behavior date back to the very first written records of human history it seemed to be an almost universal characteristic of human groups.
- Jane Goodall on War
- War has always been the grand sagacity of every spirit which has grown too inward and too profound its curative power lies even in the wounds one receives.
- Friedrich Nietzsche on War
- War has become a luxury that only small nations can afford.
- Hannah Arendt on War
- War has been good to me from a financial standpoint but I don't want to make money that way. I don't want blood money.
- Ted Turner on War
- War has rules, mud wrestling has rules - politics has no rules.
- Ross Perot on War
- War involves in its progress such a train of unforeseen circumstances that no human wisdom can calculate the end it has but one thing certain, and that is to increase taxes.
- Thomas Paine on War
- War is a blessing compared with national degradation.
- Andrew Jackson on War
- War is a contagion.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt on War
- War is a defeat for humanity.
- Pope John Paul II on War
- War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.
- Winston Churchill on War
- War is a poor chisel to carve out tomorrow.
- Martin Luther King, Jr. on War
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