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Famous Quotes
- At Casablanca we did 'Midnight Express,' 'Flashdance,' and 'The Deep.' My willingness for risk has always been my strength.
- Peter Guber on Strength
- At some point, you can't lift this boulder with just your own strength. And if you find that you need to move bigger and bigger boulders up hills, you will need more and more help.
- Vinton Cerf on Strength
- At their core, when things really matter, people see a need to turn to God for strength and protection.
- Lee Greenwood on Strength
- Atheism shows strength of mind, but only to a certain degree.
- Blaise Pascal on Strength
- Base Ball, to be played thoroughly, requires the possession of muscular strength, great agility, quickness of eye, readiness of hand, and many other faculties of mind and body that mark the man of nerve.
- Henry Chadwick on Strength
- Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
- Mother Teresa on Strength
- Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also.
- Marcus Aurelius on Strength
- Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
- Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in you temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and content, and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know.
- Charles Kingsley on Strength
- Blind and unwavering undisciplined at all times constitutes the real strength of all free men.
- Alfred Jarry on Strength
- Both now and for always, I intend to hold fast to my belief in the hidden strength of the human spirit.
- Andrei Sakharov on Strength
- Brain power improves by brain use, just as our bodily strength grows with exercise. And there is no doubt that a large proportion of the female population, from school days to late middle age, now have very complicated lives indeed.
- A. N. Wilson on Strength
- Britain's great strength is its innovative, design and engineering natural ability and we're not using it.
- James Dyson on Strength
- But after this natural burst of indignation, no man of sense, courage, or prudence will waste his time or his strength in retrospective reproaches or repinings.
- Robert Peel on Strength
- But I really like hosting, I think it's a strength of mine. It allows me to improvise, and I love the spontaneity of that, and I think I'm funny behind the desk when interviewing someone.
- Garry Shandling on Strength
- But if our nation goes over a financial Niagara, we won't have much strength and, eventually, we won't have peace. We are currently borrowing the entire defense budget from foreign investors. Within a few years, we will be spending more on interest payments than on national security. That is not, as our military friends say, a 'robust strategy.'
- Mitch Daniels on Strength
- But my strength was in singing and songwriting, which was a new discovery for me when I was 18. And I decided if I pursued songwriting, which is what was closest to my heart, then there would be no competition. I would just live my life being myself and living my dream.
- Jason Mraz on Strength
- But the general welfare must restrict and regulate the exertions of the individuals, as the individuals must derive a supply of their strength from social power.
- Friedrich List on Strength
- By and large we have got to find the good leaders to work with to make sure that we build the strength in these communities. Simply issuing edicts from Canberra isn't going to solve issues on the APY lands.
- Jay Weatherill on Strength
- Calm, open debate, and logical thought drive strength to its maximum effectiveness.
- Billy Corgan on Strength
- Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
- Helen Keller on Strength
- Chicago's neighborhoods have always been this city's greatest strength.
- Jane Byrne on Strength
- Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career.
- Abdul Kalam on Strength
- Conscience is a coward, and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent it seldom has justice enough to accuse.
- Oliver Goldsmith on Strength
- Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.
- Winston Churchill on Strength
- Core strength and stability is very important to me. Tennis is all about rotation of the body and my ability to create power. I incorporate a lot of abdominal, back and glute exercises into my gym sessions.
- Samantha Stosur on Strength
- Courage conquers all things: it even gives strength to the body.
- Courage is sometimes frail as hope is frail: a fragile shoot between two stones that grows brave toward the sun though warmth and brightness fail, striving and faith the only strength it knows.
- Frances Rodman on Strength
- Credulity is the man's weakness, but the child's strength.
- Charles Lamb on Strength
- Darts players are probably a lot fitter than most footballers in overall body strength.
- Sid Waddell on Strength
- Death used to announce itself in the thick of life but now people drag on so long it sometimes seems that we are reaching the stage when we may have to announce ourselves to death. It is as though one needs a special strength to die, and not a final weakness.
- Ronald Blythe on Strength
- Difficulty, my brethren, is the nurse of greatness - a harsh nurse, who roughly rocks her foster - children into strength and athletic proportion.
- William C. Bryant on Strength
- Diversity of thought and culture and religion and ideas has been the strength of America.
- Gary Locke on Strength
- Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.
- John F. Kennedy on Strength
- Do you really think it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations which it requires strength, strength and courage to yield to.
- Oscar Wilde on Strength
- Does anybody really think that they didn't get what they had because they didn't have the talent or the strength or the endurance or the commitment?
- Nelson Mandela on Strength
- Don't be intimidated by what you don't know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.
- Sara Blakely on Strength
- Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong.
- Calvin Coolidge on Strength
- Don't kid yourself. President Obama's decision to withdraw 33,000 troops from Afghanistan before he stands for reelection is not driven by the United States' 'position of strength' in the war zone as much as it is by grim economic and political realities at home.
- Ron Fournier on Strength
- Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities strong men make them.
- Orison Swett Marden on Strength
- Don't wish me happiness - I don't expect to be happy it's gotten beyond that, somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor - I will need them all.
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh on Strength
- Each blade of grass has its spot on earth whence it draws its life, its strength and so is man rooted to the land from which he draws his faith together with his life.
- Joseph Conrad on Strength
- Each is under the most sacred obligation not to squander the material committed to him, not to sap his strength in folly and vice, and to see at the least that he delivers a product worthy the labor and cost which have been expended on him.
- Anna Julia Cooper on Strength
- Each particular society begins to feel its strength, whence arises a state of war between different nations.
- Charles De Secondat on Strength
- Each relationship nurtures a strength or weakness within you.
- Mike Murdock on Strength
- Early in the morning, I fell in love with the girl that later on became my wife. At that time, we were so naive. I wanted to charm her, so I read her Capital by Marx. I thought somehow she would be convinced by the strength of his criticism about capital.
- Shimon Peres on Strength
- Eccentricity has always abounded when and where strength of character had abounded and the amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and courage which it contained.
- John Stuart Mill on Strength
- Elves have this superhuman strength, yet they're so graceful. Tolkien created them to be angelic spirits, but I also saw Legolas as something out of the Seven Samurai.
- Orlando Bloom on Strength
- Endurance is nobler than strength, and patience than beauty.
- John Ruskin on Strength
- Especially with the signing of riders with climbing abilities and the new arrival of Tyler Hamilton, who has the strength and ability to become a great leader for the big tours. All in all, I feel this is a very complete team.
- Laurent Jalabert on Strength
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