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- Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success.
- Mark Skousen on Society
- Technological society has succeeded in multiplying the opportunities for pleasure, but it has great difficulty in generating joy.
- Pope Paul VI on Society
- Television is just one more facet of that considerable segment of our society that never had any standard but the soft buck.
- Raymond Chandler on Society
- Terms like that, 'Humane Society,' are devised with people like me in mind, who don't care to dwell on what happens to the innocent.
- Barbara Kingsolver on Society
- Terrorism is a psychological warfare. Terrorists try to manipulate us and change our behavior by creating fear, uncertainty, and division in society.
- Patrick J. Kennedy on Society
- Thanks to my mother, not a single cardboard box has found its way back into society. We receive gifts in boxes from stores that went out of business twenty years ago.
- Erma Bombeck on Society
- That a society controls, to a greater or lesser extent, the behavior of its members is a universal but the methods, the particulars of that control, vary from one culture to another.
- Kenneth L. Pike on Society
- That person has to be accountable for himself. I think that's what we have to do in society today is to be accountable for yourself. I think we have the tendency to always want to live someone else's life.
- Herschel Walker on Society
- That sort of half sigh, which, accompanied by two or three slight nods of the head, is pity's small change in general society.
- Charles Dickens on Society
- That's one of the cool things about fame. You have an affect on society and where it goes.
- Jeff Bridges on Society
- That's what the Romney plan is all about, how to get jobs created, how to get this debt and deficit under control, how to revive small businesses so we can create jobs, and how to bring growth and opportunity to society instead of this class warfare, instead of speaking to people like they're stuck in some class or station in life.
- That's why for Zakk Wylde's Black Label Society the colors are black and white. There are no gray issues. Life is black and it's white. There's no in-between.
- Zakk Wylde on Society
- The 1960s were about releasing ourselves from conventional society and freeing ourselves.
- The amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric marks the chief danger of the time.
- John Stuart Mill on Society
- The art of the parenthesis is one of the greatest secrets of eloquence in Society.
- Nicolas Chamfort on Society
- The assumption is that the right kind of society is an organic being not merely analogous to an organic being, but actually a living structure with appetites and digestions, instincts and passions, intelligence and reason.
- Herbert Read on Society
- The baby boomers are getting older, and will stay older for longer. And they will run right into the dementia firing range. How will a society cope? Especially a society that can't so readily rely on those stable family relationships that traditionally provided the backbone of care?
- Terry Pratchett on Society
- The basic thing nobody asks is why do people take drugs of any sort? Why do we have these accessories to normal living to live? I mean, is there something wrong with society that's making us so pressurized, that we cannot live without guarding ourselves against it?
- John Lennon on Society
- The belief that the good in American society will finally win out... I don't believe any more.
- Elia Kazan on Society
- The best things and best people rise out of their separateness I'm against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise.
- Robert Frost on Society
- The Border Ballads, for instance, and the Robin Hood Ballads, clearly suppose a state of society which is nothing but a very circumscribed and not very important heroic age.
- Lascelles Abercrombie on Society
- The British are supposed to be particularly averse to intellectuals, a prejudice closely bound up with their dislike of foreigners. Indeed, one important source of this Anglo-Saxon distaste for highbrows and eggheads was the French revolution, which was seen as an attempt to reconstruct society on the basis of abstract rational principles.
- Terry Eagleton on Society
- The central conservative truth is that it is culture, not politics, that determines the success of a society. The central liberal truth is that politics can change a culture and save it from itself.
- Daniel Patrick Moynihan on Society
- The chief product of an automated society is a widespread and deepening sense of boredom.
- C. Northcote Parkinson on Society
- The Chinese art world does not exist. In a society that restricts individual freedoms and violates human rights, anything that calls itself creative or independent is a pretence. It is impossible for a totalitarian society to create anything with passion and imagination.
- The class distinctions proper to a democratic society are not those of rank or money, still less, as is apt to happen when these are abandoned, of race, but of age.
- W. H. Auden on Society
- The concept of the 'good ol' days' must be one of our society's biggest delusions, top reasons for depression, as well as most often used excuse for lack of success.
- Bo Bennett on Society
- The conception that, instead of this, contemporary society is at or near a turning point is very prominent in the views of a school of social scientists who, though they are still comparatively few, are getting more and more of a hearing.
- Talcott Parsons on Society
- The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.
- Edward Bernays on Society
- The Constitution, as originally drawn, made no reference to the fact that all Americans wre considered equal members of society.
- Constance Baker Motley on Society
- The crucial question one comes back to is the examination without that experience is meaningless. And I think it's true that society is becoming more and more passive, less and less fired up with enthusiasm, in many spheres.
- Peter Hammill on Society
- The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that man may become robots.
- Erich Fromm on Society
- The devastating punch we took on September 11th still reverberates throughout American society.
- The emphasis on the birth of Christ tends to polarize our pluralistic society and create legal and ethnic belligerence.
- John Clayton on Society
- The enemy of society is middle class and the enemy of life is middle age.
- Orson Welles on Society
- The essential support and encouragement comes from within, arising out of the mad notion that your society needs to know what only you can tell it.
- John Updike on Society
- The family is the first essential cell of human society.
- Pope John XXIII on Society
- The farther a society progresses, the more clearly the individual becomes the antithesis of the group.
- Herbert Read on Society
- The fidelity question is difficult for me. Society has made us believe we're supposed to be monogamous when we're not killer whales, or whatever the monogamous species is.
- Rachel Hunter on Society
- The finest clothing made is a person's own skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this.
- Mark Twain on Society
- The first duty of society is to give each of its members the possibility of fulfilling his destiny. When it becomes incapable of performing this duty it must be transformed.
- Alexis Carrel on Society
- The first principle of a free society is an untrammeled flow of words in an open forum.
- Adlai E. Stevenson on Society
- The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means.
- Georges Bernanos on Society
- The first task in teaching is to bring to consciousness what the students already believe by virtue of their personal experiences about themselves and society.
- Paul Wellstone on Society
- The forces in a capitalist society, if left unchecked, tend to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
- Jawaharlal Nehru on Society
- The function of the press in society is to inform, but its role in society is to make money.
- A. J. Liebling on Society
- The functions of the family in a highly differentiated society are not to be interpreted as functions directly on behalf of the society, but on behalf of personality.
- Talcott Parsons on Society
- The fundamental defect of fathers, in our competitive society, is that they want their children to be a credit to them.
- Bertrand Russell on Society
- The gap in education in this country, the unfairness of the schools, is one of the great unfairness in this society.
- Gaston Caperton on Society
- The gift of loneliness is sometimes a radical vision of society or one's people that has not previously been taken into account.
- Alice Walker on Society
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