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- This world, after all our science and sciences, is still a miracle wonderful, inscrutable, magical and more, to whosoever will think of it.
- Thomas Carlyle on Science
- Those theologians who are beginning to take the doctrine of creation very seriously should pay some attention to science's story.
- John Polkinghorne on Science
- Though many have tried, no one has ever yet explained away the decisive fact that science, which can do so much, cannot decide what it ought to do.
- Joseph Wood Krutch on Science
- Though neglectful of their responsibility to protect science, scientists are increasingly aware of their responsibility to society.
- John Charles Polanyi on Science
- Though we do need more women to graduate with technical degrees, I always like to remind women that you don't need to have science or technology degrees to build a career in tech.
- Susan Wojcicki on Science
- Thousands of years ago, humans domesticated every possible large wild mammal species fulfilling all those criteria and worth domesticating, with the result that there have been no valuable additions of domestic animals in recent times, despite the efforts of modern science.
- Jared Diamond on Science
- Time travel used to be thought of as just science fiction, but Einstein's general theory of relativity allows for the possibility that we could warp space-time so much that you could go off in a rocket and return before you set out.
- Stephen Hawking on Science
- To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or distinction than that connected with advances in science.
- Isaac Newton on Science
- To pursue science is not to disparage the things of the spirit. In fact, to pursue science rightly is to furnish the framework on which the spirit may rise.
- Vannevar Bush on Science
- To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.
- Albert Einstein on Science
- To recover a spiritual tradition in which creation, and the study of creation, matters would be to inaugurate new possibilities between spirituality and science that would shape the paradigms for culture, its institution, and its people.
- Matthew Fox on Science
- To that class we may leave it to refine the vernacular dialects of the country, to enrich those dialects with terms of science borrowed from the Western nomenclature, and to render them by degrees fit vehicles for conveying knowledge to the great mass of the population.
- Thomas B. Macaulay on Science
- To those who have chosen the profession of medicine, a knowledge of chemistry, and of some branches of natural history, and, indeed, of several other departments of science, affords useful assistance.
- Charles Babbage on Science
- Today the function of the artist is to bring imagination to science and science to imagination, where they meet, in the myth.
- Cyril Connolly on Science
- Today's preoccupation with physical theories of everything takes a wrong turn from the purpose of science - to question all things relentlessly. Modern physics has become like Swift's kingdom of Laputa, flying absurdly on an island above the earth and indifferent to what is beneath.
- Robert Lanza on Science
- Today's recording techniques would have been regarded as science fiction forty years ago.
- Tony Visconti on Science
- Today, Academies of Science use their influence around the world in support of human rights.
- John Charles Polanyi on Science
- Today, over half of China's undergraduate degrees are in math, science technology and engineering, yet only 16 percent of America's undergraduates pursue these schools.
- Cathy McMorris on Science
- Touch a scientist and you touch a child.
- Ray Bradbury on Science
- Traditional academic science describes human beings as highly developed animals and biological thinking machines. We appear to be Newtonian objects made of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, and organs.
- Stanislav Grof on Science
- Traditional science assumes, for the most part, that an objective observer independent reality exists the universe, stars, galaxies, sun, moon and earth would still be there if no one was looking.
- Deepak Chopra on Science
- Traditionally, scientists have treated the laws of physics as simply 'given,' elegant mathematical relationships that were somehow imprinted on the universe at its birth, and fixed thereafter. Inquiry into the origin and nature of the laws was not regarded as a proper part of science.
- Paul Davies on Science
- True science is never speculative it employs hypotheses as suggesting points for inquiry, but it never adopts the hypotheses as though they were demonstrated propositions.
- Cleveland Abbe on Science
- True science teaches, above all, to doubt and to be ignorant.
- Miguel De Unamuno on Science
- Truth is I don't think God on a daily basis. I think politics, science.
- Peter Mullan on Science
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