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- The habit of religion is oppressive, an easy way out of thought.
- Peter Ustinov on Religion
- The hierarchy of class in London was rigid. It was like a religion. It still is to a certain extent.
- Ben Kingsley on Religion
- The humanists' replacement for religion: work really hard and somehow you'll either save yourself or you'll be immortal. Of course, that's a total joke, and our progress is nothing. There may be progress in technology but there's no ethical progress whatsoever.
- David Bowie on Religion
- The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.
- Jerry Falwell on Religion
- The importance that our society attaches to sport is incredible. After all, is football a game or a religion? The people of this country have allowed sports to get completely out of hand.
- Howard Cosell on Religion
- The increase of territory and power of empires by force of arms has been the policy of all great powers, and it has always been possible to get the approval of their state religion.
- John Boyd Orr on Religion
- The inner spaces that a good story lets us enter are the old apartments of religion.
- John Updike on Religion
- The irony of the Supreme Court hearing on these cases last week and of the outright hostility that the Court has displayed against religion in recent years is that above the head of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is a concrete display of the Ten Commandments.
- Cliff Stearns on Religion
- The Islam of the 18th, 19th and first half of the 20th century was a poor thing. Nobody bothered about it. Islam was that funny sort of pure system of beliefs that depressed people in the Middle East held as their religion.
- John Keegan on Religion
- The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place, but a state of mind.
- John Burroughs on Religion
- The latest horror to hit the U.S. looks to have been caused by people of Middle Eastern origin, bearing Muslim names. Again, shame. This fuels more hatred for a religion and a people who have nothing to do with these events.
- Cat Stevens on Religion
- The Law of God in the Christian religion is the schoolmaster that leads us to Christ.
- Randall Terry on Religion
- The Left is doing to America what it has done to almost everything it has deeply influenced - the arts, the university, religion, culture, minorities, Europe: ruining it.
- Dennis Prager on Religion
- The little religion that I have clung to-that what matters most is the continuity of life, and its improvement from one generation to another.
- David O. Selznick on Religion
- The Lord's prayer contains the sum total of religion and morals.
- Arthur Wellesley on Religion
- The main object of religion is not to get a man into heaven, but to get heaven into him.
- Thomas Hardy on Religion
- The major civilizing force in the world is not religion, it is sex.
- Hugh Hefner on Religion
- The major obstacle to a religious renewal is the intellectual classes, who are highly influential and tend to view religion as primitive superstition. They believe that science has left atheism as the only respectable intellectual stance.
- Robert Bork on Religion
- The marvel of the Bhagavad-Gita is its truly beautiful revelation of life's wisdom which enables philosophy to blossom into religion.
- Herman Hesse on Religion
- The memory of my own suffering has prevented me from ever shadowing one young soul with the superstition of the Christian religion.
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton on Religion
- The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.
- Aldous Huxley on Religion
- The more you get into any religion, it becomes the same. It really becomes how you treat other people and how you get outside yourself. How you look to help other people, and how you get out of this 'I, me, mine' type of thing.
- Abel Ferrara on Religion
- The most important part of my religion is to play guitar.
- The Muslims have, as everyone else says, the right to practice their religion and they have the right to construct a mosque at ground zero if they wish. What I am saying, though, is that they should listen to public opinion, they should listen to the deep wounds and anguish that this is causing to so many good people.
- Peter King on Religion
- The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion or ethnic background, is that we all believe we are above-average drivers.
- Dave Barry on Religion
- The only difference is that religion is much better organised and has been around much longer, but it's the same story with different characters and different costumes.
- James Randi on Religion
- The point here is that physics followed the data where it seemed to lead, even though some thought the model gave aid and comfort to religion.
- Michael Behe on Religion
- The problem with writing about religion is that you run the risk of offending sincerely religious people, and then they come after you with machetes.
- Dave Barry on Religion
- The proper reply to right wing religiosity is not to insist that politics and religion don't mix. This is the stock response of the left.
- Christopher Lasch on Religion
- The question of religion was a matter for each individual's conscience, and in a great many cases was the outcome of birth or residence in a certain geographical area.
- James Larkin on Religion
- The real religion of the world comes from women much more than from men - from mothers most of all, who carry the key of our souls in their bosoms.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes on Religion
- The religion of the Indian is the last thing about him that the man of another race will ever understand.
- Charles Eastman on Religion
- The restriction of religion to private life therefore does not necessarily threaten the vital interests of the majority religion, if there is one, and it protects minority religions from tyranny of the majority.
- Phillip E. Johnson on Religion
- The Sabbath is a weekly cathedral raised up in my dining room, in my family, in my heart.
- Anita Diament on Religion
- The search for religion is the starting point of thought.
- The secret of a person's nature lies in their religion and what they really believes about the world and their place in it.
- James Anthony Froude on Religion
- The seven deadly sins: Want of money, bad health, bad temper, chastity, family ties, knowing that you know things, and believing in the Christian religion.
- Samuel Butler on Religion
- The Son of God became man so that we might become God.
- Athanasius on Religion
- The songs keep on writing themselves, and I really love them. It's as close as I get to a religion.
- Kristin Hersh on Religion
- The spiritual element, the really important part of religion, has no concern with Time and Space, temporary mundane laws, or conduct.
- Richard Le Gallienne on Religion
- The stability and peace which seemed to be so firmly established by the brilliant monarchy of Francis I vanished with the terrible outbreak of the Wars of Religion.
- Lytton Strachey on Religion
- The three great elements of modern civilization, Gun powder, Printing, and the Protestant religion.
- Thomas Carlyle on Religion
- The trouble with many men is that they have got just enough religion to make them miserable. If there is not joy in religion, you have got a leak in your religion.
- Billy Sunday on Religion
- The true meaning of religion is thus, not simply morality, but morality touched by emotion.
- Matthew Arnold on Religion
- The truths of religion are never so well understood as by those who have lost the power of reason.
- The United States is not a nation based upon race, creed, or religion - we are a nation based upon our loyalty and allegiance to our country and her principles.
- The wise man regulates his conduct by the theories both of religion and science. But he regards these theories not as statements of ultimate fact but as art-forms.
- John B. S. Haldane on Religion
- The women's movement will present a growing threat to patriarchal religion less by attacking it than by simply leaving it behind.
- Carol P. Christ on Religion
- The world is divided into men who have wit and no religion and men who have religion and no wit.
- The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
- Thomas Paine on Religion
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