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Famous Quotes
- And humility in politics means accepting that one party doesn't have all the answers recognising that working in partnership is progress not treachery.
- Vince Cable on Politics
- And I'm not apolitical - I'm very specific in my politics. But a lot of the time it's nobody's business unless you're over at my house having dinner.
- And yet, there are still people in American politics who, for some reason, cling to this belief that America is better off adopting the economic policies of nations whose people who immigrate here from there.
- Marco Rubio on Politics
- And you don't want to always write about politics just for the sake of writing about politics.
- Billie Joe Armstrong on Politics
- Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so.
- Gore Vidal on Politics
- Anyone in politics would like to have great economic numbers.
- Terry McAuliffe on Politics
- Anyone who seeks to be involved in politics should join hands with America.
- Muqtada Al Sadr on Politics
- Anyone who thinks that the vice-president can take a position independent of the president of his administration simply has no knowledge of politics or government. You are his choice in a political marriage, and he expects your absolute loyalty.
- Hubert H. Humphrey on Politics
- Anything's possible in politics.
- Pat Robertson on Politics
- Apparently, a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates.
- Gore Vidal on Politics
- Arkansas is a state where politics is retail.
- Mike Huckabee on Politics
- Artists know that diligence counts as much, if not more, as inspiration in art, as in politics, patience counts as much as revolution.
- Tony Kushner on Politics
- As a black woman, my politics and political affiliation are bound up with and flow from participation in my people's struggle for liberation, and with the fight of oppressed people all over the world against American imperialism.
- Angela Davis on Politics
- As a politician who cherishes religious conviction in his personal sphere, but regards politics as a domain belonging outside religion, I believe that this view is seriously flawed.
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Politics
- As a society, I think we express our cultural mores through our politics. We're trying constantly to figure out what's OK and what's not OK. And it's hard, because our society is constantly buffeted by gale force winds of technology. Things are always changing.
- Daniel H. Wilson on Politics
- As I became very defined in my personal politics, I turned down some films that I slightly regret now I'm not going to say what they were.
- Julie Christie on Politics
- As I've gotten older, I've gotten more liberal, and my father is increasingly conservative. It's so shocking to me because I always thought we had the same politics. The day I realized we voted for different presidents, I practically fell out of my chair.
- Lauren Graham on Politics
- As long as I don't write about the government, religion, politics, and other institutions, I am free to print anything.
- Pierre Beaumarchais on Politics
- As women have played an increasingly important role in politics, there is no question that they've brought a different perspective, focusing attention on a broader set of issues and building alliances with other women.
- Dee Dee Myers on Politics
- As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.
- Daniel J. Boorstin on Politics
- At present, our country needs women's idealism and determination, perhaps more in politics than anywhere else.
- Shirley Chisholm on Politics
- At the bottom of education, at the bottom of politics, even at the bottom of religion, there must be for our race economic independence.
- Booker T. Washington on Politics
- At the end of the day, money is just a proxy for votes. That is what makes politics so vulnerable to social media.
- Sean Parker on Politics
- Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote.
- William E. Simon on Politics
- Be your own politics, grow your own garden, and maybe you can help out more.
- Because politics rests on an irreducible measure of coercion, it can never become a perfect realm of perfect love and justice.
- Christopher Lasch on Politics
- Before I went to jail, I was active in politics as a member of South Africa's leading organization - and I was generally busy from 7 A.M. until midnight. I never had time to sit and think.
- Nelson Mandela on Politics
- Being out and about talking to residents and representing their views is, in my view, as important to politics as the grandstanding that takes place in Westminster.
- Lucy Powell on Politics
- Beware the politically obsessed. They are often bright and interesting, but they have something missing in their natures there is a hole, an empty place, and they use politics to fill it up. It leaves them somehow misshapen.
- Peggy Noonan on Politics
- Beyond politics, the West is suffering from what can be called a crisis of brokenness - broken institutions, broken families and broken souls.
- Gary Bauer on Politics
- Bloomberg is famously impatient with beltway politics and believes that to get anything done you need to work from the ground up.
- Jeff Goodell on Politics
- Broadcasters or politicians or writers who think that they are respecting Struggle Street, the battlers, by dumbing things down into one-line sound bites are not respecting them, they are treating them with contempt. It's our job above all in politics to tackle the big issues and to explain them.
- Malcolm Turnbull on Politics
- Broadway is such a diverse community. Everybody knows how I believe, and everyone believes, and it's not a big deal. But in Hollywood, if you talk about politics - especially if you're a Republican - or spirituality, it's just not something people want to hear about.
- Kristin Chenoweth on Politics
- But being in the closet uniquely assisted me in politics. From my first run for the state legislature until my election as governor, all too often I was not leading but following my best guess at public opinion.
- James McGreevey on Politics
- But I don't need to use politics as a way of making money.
- Imran Khan on Politics
- But I think it's quite clear in my work that my orientation isn't political or doesn't come out of modern politics.
- Jane Campion on Politics
- But I'm not interested in politics. I lose interest the microsecond it ceases to be emotional, when something becomes a political movement. What I'm interested in is emotions.
- But look, you did not have to be well versed in politics to know that some stupid things were going on. It is the counsel's job to stop them, and instead the coverup was created.
- Fred F. Fielding on Politics
- By 2000, politics will simply fade away. We will not see any political parties.
- R. Buckminster Fuller on Politics
- By asking the question 'Am I happy?,' and via the answer setting out what I mean by happiness, there is a political route that can be taken, by asking another question - 'Can politics deliver happiness, and should it try?'
- Alastair Campbell on Politics
- By nominating Chuck Hagel to be his Defense secretary, President Obama is putting forward an aloof contrarian who doesn't suffer fools - a striving politician who considers himself above politics.
- Ron Fournier on Politics
- Chicago is known for good steaks, expensive stores and beautiful architecture. Unfortunately, the Windy City also enjoys a reputation for corrupt politics, violent crime, and some of the strictest gun control laws anywhere in the country.
- Clinton and Obama practice this politics known quaintly as the Richard Speck strategy: if you cannot take on everyone in the room at once, take them out of the room one at a time.
- Grover Norquist on Politics
- Community organizing is all about building grassroots support. It's about identifying the people around you with whom you can create a common, passionate cause. And it's about ignoring the conventional wisdom of company politics and instead playing the game by very different rules.
- Tom Peters on Politics
- Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a poor roof it is temporary expedient, often wise in party politics, almost sure to be unwise in statesmanship.
- James Russell Lowell on Politics
- Confronted with the choice, the American people would choose the policeman's truncheon over the anarchist's bomb.
- Spiro T. Agnew on Politics
- Conscience has no more to do with gallantry than it has with politics.
- Richard Brinsley Sheridan on Politics
- Conservatism has had from its inception vigorously positive, intellectually rigorous agenda and thinking. That agenda should have in my three pillars: strengthen the economy, strengthen our security, and strengthen our families.
- Mitt Romney on Politics
- Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others.
- Ambrose Bierce on Politics
- Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.
- John Stuart Mill on Politics
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