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- The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.
- The mere assemblage of peace loving people to interchange convincing reasons for their common faith, mere exhortation and argument to the public in favor of peace in general fall short of the mark.
- Elihu Root on Peace
- The methods of peace propaganda which aim at establishing peace doctrine by argument and by creating a feeling favorable to peace in general seem to fall short of reaching the springs of human action and of dealing with the causes of the conduct which they seek to modify.
- Elihu Root on Peace
- The minute you got the Nobel Peace Prize, things that I said yesterday, with nobody paying too much attention, I say the same things after I got it - oh! It was quite crucial for people, and it helped our morale because apartheid did look invincible.
- Desmond Tutu on Peace
- The more bombers, the less room for doves of peace.
- Nikita Khrushchev on Peace
- The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.
- Norman Schwarzkopf on Peace
- The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war.
- Desiderius Erasmus on Peace
- The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace.
- Carlos Santana on Peace
- The myth of redemptive violence - Caesar, peace, and victory - is in people's bones so deeply, we aren't even aware of it. You crush the opposition that's how we bring peace.
- The need for peace in Northern Ireland goes well beyond political stability. It now speaks to regional Europe and even global stability.
- Hillary Clinton on Peace
- The next few months are critical to Pakistan's future direction as a democratic state committed to promoting peace, fighting terrorism and working for social justice.
- Benazir Bhutto on Peace
- The Nobel Peace Prize has become hopelessly politicized. I think it cheapens the prize itself.
- John Bolton on Peace
- The Nobel Peace Prize is a powerful message. A durable peace is not a single achievement, but an environment, a process and a commitment.
- Mohamed ElBaradei on Peace
- The Nobel Peace Prize opened up a door in my heart.
- Aung San Suu Kyi on Peace
- The Nobel Prize is an honor unique in the world in having found its way into the hearts and minds of simple people everywhere. It casts a light of peace and reason upon us all and for that I am especially grateful.
- George Wald on Peace
- The object of government in peace and in war is not the glory of rulers or of races, but the happiness of common man.
- William Beveridge on Peace
- The old fun thing is when somebody typed up the first chapter of War and Peace. And then made a precis of the rest of it and sent it out and only one publisher recognized it.
- Jim Harrison on Peace
- The old interests of aristocracy - the romance of action, the exalted passions of chivalry and war - faded into the background, and their place was taken by the refined and intimate pursuits of peace and civilization.
- Lytton Strachey on Peace
- The only excuse for war is that we may live in peace unharmed.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero on Peace
- The only important thing I have to say is that my father never fought against his country.
- Zinedine Zidane on Peace
- The only peace is being out of earshot.
- Mason Cooley on Peace
- The only peace that can be made with a dictator is once that must be based on deterrence. For today, the dictator may be your friend, but tomorrow he will need you as an enemy.
- Natan Sharansky on Peace
- The only solid and lasting peace between a man and his wife is, doubtless, a separation.
- Lord Chesterfield on Peace
- The Palestinian election is something that was really a turning point. It's a mandate for peace.
- Warren Christopher on Peace
- The Palestinians want a state, but they have to give peace in return. What they're trying to do in the United Nations is to get a state without giving Israel peace or giving Israel peace and security. And I think that's, that's wrong. That should not succeed. That should, that should fail.
- Benjamin Netanyahu on Peace
- The Paris peace talks kept a roof over my head and food on the table and clothes on my back because if something was said going in or coming out, I had the rent for the month.
- Ed Bradley on Peace
- The Peace Corps is a sort of Howard Johnson's on the main drag into maturity.
- Paul Theroux on Peace
- The Peace Corps is an outstanding organization that promotes peace through helping countless individuals who want to help build a better life for the community in which they serve.
- Solomon Ortiz on Peace
- The Peace Corps is guilty of enthusiasm and a crusading spirit. But we're not apologetic about it.
- Sargent Shriver on Peace
- The Peace Corps would give thousands of young Americans a chance to see at first hand the conditions in remote areas of the world.
- Sargent Shriver on Peace
- The peace movement is a great force for peace. Some of the world's most quarrelsome people act out their aggressions through the peace movement.
- John McCarthy on Peace
- The people of Israel are entitled, as is any other nation, to live in peace and safety.
- Jonathan Sacks on Peace
- The people of the world genuinely want peace. Some day the leaders of the world are going to have to give in and give, it to them.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower on Peace
- The plan shows that the twenty million people in the German democratic Republic and in the democratic sector of Berlin think only of peace, and that they are working for freedom and peaceful prosperity.
- Walter Ulbricht on Peace
- The point of departure of the process to which we wish to contribute is the fact that war is the natural reaction of human nature in the savage state, while peace is the result of acquired characteristics.
- Elihu Root on Peace
- The popular, and one may say naive, idea is that peace can be secured by disarmament and that disarmament must therefore precede the attainment of absolute security and lasting peace.
- Ludwig Quidde on Peace
- The practice of peace and reconciliation is one of the most vital and artistic of human actions.
- The progress of freedom depends more upon the maintenance of peace, the spread of commerce, and the diffusion of education, than upon the labors of cabinets and foreign offices.
- Richard Cobden on Peace
- The purpose of all war is peace.
- Augustine Of Hippo on Peace
- The purpose of all wars, is peace.
- Saint Augustine on Peace
- The purposes of the United States should not be doubted. The Security Council resolutions will be enforced - the just demands of peace and security will be met - or action will be unavoidable. And a regime that has lost its legitimacy will also lose its power.
- Colin Powell on Peace
- The pursuit of peace and progress cannot end in a few years in either victory or defeat. The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks, can never be relaxed and never abandoned.
- Dag Hammarskjold on Peace
- The quest for peace begins in the home, in the school and in the workplace.
- Silvia Cartwright on Peace
- The question is, what are we to do in order to consolidate peace on a universal and durable foundation, and what are the essential elements of such a peace?
- Arthur Henderson on Peace
- The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson on Peace
- The real discovery is the one which enables me to stop doing philosophy when I want to. The one that gives philosophy peace, so that it is no longer tormented by questions which bring itself into question.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein on Peace
- The reason why I'm here today is to explain why I am running and what I will do if you give me the honor and the privilege of representing you in the United States Senate. Now I'm running for the United State Senate for a simple reason, and that is...I want to win a Nobel Peace prize.
- Marco Rubio on Peace
- The science of the mind can only have for its proper goal the understanding of human nature by every human being, and through its use, brings peace to every human soul.
- Alfred Adler on Peace
- The secret of living in peace with all people lies in the art of understanding each one by his own individuality.
- Friedrich Ludwig Jahn on Peace
- The services in wartime are fit only for desperadoes, but in peace are only fit for fools.
- Benjamin Disraeli on Peace
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