- Change theme
- There are women who make things better, there are women who change things, there are women who make things happen, who make a difference. I want to be one of those women.
- Vera Farmiga on Men
- There are women who take it to the wire. That's what they are looking for, the ultimate confrontation. They want a smack.
- Sean Connery on Men
- There can be no equality or opportunity if men and women and children be not shielded in their lives from the consequences of great industrial and social processes which they cannot alter, control, or singly cope with.
- Woodrow Wilson on Men
- There can never be peace between nations until there is first known that true peace which is within the souls of men.
- There has been a banking crisis, a financial crisis, an economic crisis, a social crisis, a geostrategic crisis and an environmental crisis. That's considerable in a country that's used to being protected.
- Jean-Francois Cope on Men
- There have been many great men that have flattered the people who ne'er loved them.
- William Shakespeare on Men
- There is a blessed necessity by which the interest of men is always driving them to the right and, again, making all crime mean and ugly.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson on Men
- There is a boundary to men's passions when they act from feelings but none when they are under the influence of imagination.
- Edmund Burke on Men
- There is a great discovery still to be made in literature, that of paying literary men by the quantity they do not write.
- Thomas Carlyle on Men
- There is a higher law than the law of government. That's the law of conscience.
- Stokely Carmichael on Men
- There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talents.
- Thomas Jefferson on Men
- There is a phenomenal amount of pressure on women in this industry: they are considered vintage by the time they hit their mid-30s.
- There is a physical relationship with a woman that you don't have with anybody else, but that's not about love. Love is a spiritual thing.
- Ziggy Marley on Men
- There is a pride, a self-love, in human minds that will seldom be kept so low as to make men and women humbler than they ought to be.
- Samuel Richardson on Men
- There is a real vulgarity in the way women dress at the moment. They show off too much and try too hard. They don't understand where the line is between sexy and vulgar. I know where that line is.
- Roberto Cavalli on Men
- There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.
- William Shakespeare on Men
- There is a Western world. There is America. There is Great Britain and Germany and France and Russia and China and other nations. I doubt that there is one country amongst those I mentioned which has a desire to see Iran, with its fundamentalist, Islamic, extremist government, possessing nuclear weapons.
- Ehud Olmert on Men
- There is always a type of man who says he loves his fellow men, and expects to make a living at it.
- E. W. Howe on Men
- There is always inequality in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded and some men never leave the country. Life is unfair.
- John F. Kennedy on Men
- There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.
- John Adams on Men
- There is frequently more to be learned from the unexpected questions of a child than the discourses of men.
- John Locke on Men
- There is no 'need' for us to eat meat, dairy or eggs. Indeed, these foods are increasingly linked to various human diseases and animal agriculture is an environmental disaster for the planet.
- Gary L. Francione on Men
- There is no better proof of a man's being truly good than his desiring to be constantly under the observation of good men.
- Francois De La Rochefoucauld on Men
- There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.
- Ernest Hemingway on Men
- There is no kind of dishonesty into which otherwise good people more easily and frequently fall than that of defrauding the government.
- Benjamin Franklin on Men
- There is no more lively sensation than that of pain its impressions are certain and dependable, they never deceive as may those of the pleasure women perpetually feign and almost never experience.
- Marquis De Sade on Men
- There is no place where we can safely store worn-out reactors or their garbage. No place!
- David R. Brower on Men
- There is no question that photography has played a major role in the environmental movement.
- Galen Rowell on Men
- There is no such thing as justice in the abstract it is merely a compact between men.
- There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women, and there are families.
- Margaret Thatcher on Men
- There is not much less vexation in the government of a private family than in the managing of an entire state.
- Michel De Montaigne on Men
- There is nothing anyone can do anyway. The public has no power. The government knows I'm not a criminal. The parole board knows I'm not a criminal. The judge knows I'm not a criminal.
- Jack Kevorkian on Men
- There is nothing inherently fair about equalizing incomes. If the government penalizes you for working harder than somebody else, that is unfair. If you save your money but retire with the same pension as a free-spending neighbor, that is also unfair.
- Arthur C. Brooks on Men
- There is nothing men are so generous of as advice.
- Francois De La Rochefoucauld on Men
- There is nothing wrong with describing Conservatism as protecting the Constitution, protecting all things that limit government. Government is the enemy of liberty. Government should be very restrained.
- There is nothing wrong with men possessing riches. The wrong comes when riches possess men.
- Billy Graham on Men
- There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at, and who steals what is most precious to men: time.
- Napoleon Bonaparte on Men
- There is one thing women can never take away from men. We die sooner.
- P. J. O'Rourke on Men
- There is only one kind of freedom and that's individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government granting it.
- There is something fundamentally unfair about a government that takes away so much of people's money, power, and personal control while telling them that life will be better as a result.
- Steve Forbes on Men
- There is too much government today. We've got to remember the government should be by the people, of the people, and for the people.
- Ray Bradbury on Men
- There should be more attention paid to scientific research in the ecology area, and I think that such attention to proper environmental concerns would make the public feel much better about it.
- Thomas R. Cech on Men
- There was a time in my life when I thought I had everything - millions of dollars, mansions, cars, nice clothes, beautiful women, and every other materialistic thing you can imagine. Now I struggle for peace.
- Richard Pryor on Men
- There were points in my life where I felt oddly irresistible to women. I'm not in that state now and that makes me sad.
- Jack Nicholson on Men
- There would be no great men if there were no little ones.
- George Herbert on Men
- There's a certain kind of behavior in the Arab world that, to me, resembles the way young men behave when there is no significant influence from women in their lives.
- P. J. O'Rourke on Men
- There's a lot of thought in art. People get to talk about important things. There's a lot of sex, you know, in art. There's a lot of naked women and men, and there's intrigue, there's fakery. It's a real microcosm of the larger world.
- Steve Martin on Men
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