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- They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice... that suicide is wrong when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person.
- Arthur Schopenhauer on Life
- This is as true in everyday life as it is in battle: we are given one life and the decision is ours whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind, or whether to act, and in acting, to live.
- Omar N. Bradley on Life
- This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.
- This is the highest wisdom that I own freedom and life are earned by those alone who conquer them each day anew.
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe on Life
- This is the strangest life I've ever known.
- Jim Morrison on Life
- This life is worth living, we can say, since it is what we make it.
- William James on Life
- Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.
- Thou wilt find rest from vain fancies if thou doest every act in life as though it were thy last.
- Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
- Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
- Joseph Addison on Life
- Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
- Bertrand Russell on Life
- Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.
- Bill Cosby on Life
- Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
- Will Smith on Life
- Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.
- Thug Life to me is dead.
- Tupac Shakur on Life
- Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
- Carl Sandburg on Life
- To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.
- Henry David Thoreau on Life
- To be able to look back upon ones life in satisfaction, is to live twice.
- Khalil Gibran on Life
- To be free is to have achieved your life.
- Tennessee Williams on Life
- To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.
- To change ones life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly.
- William James on Life
- To deprive a man of his natural liberty and to deny to him the ordinary amenities of life is worse then starving the body it is starvation of the soul, the dweller in the body.
- Mahatma Gandhi on Life
- To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life and this is a softness that ends in bitterness.
- Flannery O'Connor on Life
- To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.
- Bertrand Russell on Life
- To gather with God's people in united adoration of the Father is as necessary to the Christian life as prayer.
- Martin Luther on Life
- To have courage for whatever comes in life - everything lies in that.
- Saint Teresa Of Avila on Life
- To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson on Life
- To know nothing is the happiest life.
- Desiderius Erasmus on Life
- To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.
- Benjamin Franklin on Life
- To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance.
- To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.
- Emily Dickinson on Life
- To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.
- John Henry Newman on Life
- To me, if life boils down to one thing, it's movement. To live is to keep moving.
- Jerry Seinfeld on Life
- To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.
- Mark Twain on Life
- Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.
- Kevyn Aucoin on Life
- Today is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.
- Dale Carnegie on Life
- Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life.
- Dalai Lama on Life
- Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.
- John Wayne on Life
- Too often in life, something happens and we blame other people for us not being happy or satisfied or fulfilled. So the point is, we all have choices, and we make the choice to accept people or situations or to not accept situations.
- Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
- Leo Buscaglia on Life
- Tragedy in life normally comes with betrayal and compromise, and trading on your integrity and not having dignity in life. That's really where failure comes.
- Tom Cochrane on Life
- True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island... to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune to keep him is a blessing.
- Baltasar Gracian on Life
- True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.
- Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.
- Stephen Covey on Life
- Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.
- Golda Meir on Life
- Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness.
- Khalil Gibran on Life
- Two such as you with such a master speed, cannot be parted nor be swept away, from one another once you are agreed, that life is only life forevermore, together wing to wing and oar to oar.
- Robert Frost on Life
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