- Change theme
- My home State of North Carolina ranks 12th in the United States for increased aging population and, according to a national report, 41st in overall health. According to this same report, individuals aged 50+ are the least healthy.
- Howard Coble on Health
- My life in Brooklyn was in constant danger because of my bad health.
- Maurice Sendak on Health
- My main goal is to stay healthy because when you're injured you realise how lucky you are to have your health.
- Maria Sharapova on Health
- My motivation has always been health - eating healthy and taking care of myself.
- Gabrielle Reece on Health
- My New Year's resolution is to stick to a good workout plan that will keep me healthy and happy.
- James Lafferty on Health
- My personal feeling, if I can interject a political note, is that I don't think it is right that basic health care is a privilege. It shouldn't be. It should be a right of all human beings. And certainly in the richest country in the world.
- Bryan Cranston on Health
- My personal goals are to be happy, healthy and to be surrounded by loved ones.
- My priority is to turn people - especially kids - on to sports and being active so they don't even have to think about it being good for their health. If people participate for the fun of it, and believe me - it is fun, then fitness programs will be much more successful.
- Alan Thicke on Health
- My top three priorities for my first term in Congress are growing our economy providing for quality, affordable health care and keeping our nation and communities safe.
- Cathy McMorris on Health
- Myths about the dire effects of genetically modified foods on health and the environment abound, but they have not held up to scientific scrutiny. And, although many concerns have been expressed about the potential for unexpected consequences, the unexpected effects that have been observed so far have been benign.
- Nina Fedoroff on Health
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