- Change theme
- If this liberal potential is properly channeled, we may expect the area of freedom of the United States to increase. The problem is to spend up our rate of social invention in the service of the welfare of all the people.
- Henry A. Wallace on Freedom
- If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.
- Noam Chomsky on Freedom
- If we want to talk about freedom, we must mean freedom for others as well as ourselves, and we must mean freedom for everyone inside our frontiers as well as outside.
- Wendell Willkie on Freedom
- If we wish to free ourselves from enslavement, we must choose freedom and the responsibility this entails.
- Leo Buscaglia on Freedom
- If you are for freedom and equal rights, which we hear a lot of talk about these days, then you have to include the LGBTQ community in that. And if you're not willing to put your time where your mouth is, then I don't know quite what you mean by commitment in your life.
- Hal Sparks on Freedom
- If you ask me to summarise our mission, I would put it this way: We were a military regime that sought to lay the foundations for freedom and liberty in a complex society.
- Ibrahim Babangida on Freedom
- If you can make people understand why freedom is so important through the arts, that would be a big help.
- Aung San Suu Kyi on Freedom
- If you don't mind haunting the margins, I think there is more freedom there.
- Colin Firth on Freedom
- If you scratch below the surface and ask what really makes me tick, it's the liberalism of trying to promote freedom and opportunity. Promoting social mobility is one of the keys to that.
- Nick Clegg on Freedom
- If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower on Freedom
- If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary.
- In 1960, when I came out of prison as an ex-convict, I had more freedom under parolee supervision than there's available... in America right now.
- Merle Haggard on Freedom
- In a completely sane world, madness is the only freedom.
- J. G. Ballard on Freedom
- In America it's live by the sword of freedom of expression and be will to die by it as well.
- Vince McMahon on Freedom
- In America, through pressure of conformity, there is freedom of choice, but nothing to choose from.
- Peter Ustinov on Freedom
- In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free - honorable alike in what we give and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.
- Abraham Lincoln on Freedom
- In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties.
- Henri Frederic Amiel on Freedom
- In many respects, the United States is a great country. Freedom of speech is protected more than in any other country. It is also a very free society.
- Noam Chomsky on Freedom
- In my youth I stressed freedom, and in my old age I stress order. I have made the great discovery that liberty is a product of order.
- Will Durant on Freedom
- In short, is not liberty the freedom of every person to make full use of his faculties, so long as he does not harm other persons while doing so?
- Frederic Bastiat on Freedom
- In South Africa, we could not have achieved our freedom and just peace without the help of people around the world, who through the use of non-violent means, such as boycotts and divestment, encouraged their governments and other corporate actors to reverse decades-long support for the Apartheid regime.
- Desmond Tutu on Freedom
- In terms of filming, yes, it really does feel over now. There's a real sense of freedom now. It's a good time to finish, I think. As much as I'm going to miss it I'm ready to move on and do different things.
- Rupert Grint on Freedom
- In the beginning, I loved being famous, but now I am tired of it and I would like to go back to my freedom.
- Roberto Cavalli on Freedom
- In the end, nature is inexorable: it has no reason to hurry and, sooner or later, it takes what belongs to it. Unconsciously and inflexibly obedient to its own laws, it doesn't know art, just as it doesn't know freedom, just as it doesn't know goodness.
- Ivan Turgenev on Freedom
- In the free/libre software movement, we develop software that respects users' freedom, so we and you can escape from software that doesn't.
- Richard Stallman on Freedom
- In the last analysis, our only freedom is the freedom to discipline ourselves.
- Bernard Baruch on Freedom
- In the literal sense, there has been no relevant evolution since the trek from Africa. But there has been substantial progress towards higher standards of rights, justice and freedom - along with all too many illustrations of how remote is the goal of a decent society.
- Noam Chomsky on Freedom
- In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it.
- John F. Kennedy on Freedom
- In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are more than just ideals to be valued - they may be essential to survival.
- Noam Chomsky on Freedom
- In times such as these, people should recognize that evil knows no borders, knows no limits and knows no compassion. Those around the globe that value freedom must continue to persevere even in the darkest of times.
- Michael Burgess on Freedom
- Institutions - government, churches, industries, and the like - have properly no other function than to contribute to human freedom and in so far as they fail, on the whole, to perform this function, they are wrong and need reconstruction.
- Charles Horton Cooley on Freedom
- Ironically, it is exactly because we are a city that embraces freedom, that welcomes everyone and encourages their dreams, that New York remains on the front lines in the war on terror.
- Michael Bloomberg on Freedom
- Is freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish? Nothing else.
- Is Walt turning over in his grave? A man named Joe Roth runs Disney right now-he gave me the go-ahead and total freedom to do whatever I wanted to do.
- Tim Robbins on Freedom
- Israel was born under the British mandate. We learned from the British what democracy means, and how it behaves in a time of danger, war and terror. We thank Britain for introducing freedom and respect of human rights both in normal and demanding circumstances.
- Shimon Peres on Freedom
- Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom.
- John F. Kennedy on Freedom
- It could be my British need for discipline that makes me admire the American appetite for freedom and passion.
- Steve Winwood on Freedom
- It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
- Samuel Adams on Freedom
- It is a strange fact that freedom and equality, the two basic ideas of democracy, are to some extent contradictory. Logically considered, freedom and equality are mutually exclusive, just as society and the individual are mutually exclusive.
- Thomas Mann on Freedom
- It is better to lose everything you have to keep the balance of justice level, than to live a life of petty privilege devoid of true freedom.
- Bryant H. McGill on Freedom
- It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them.
- Mark Twain on Freedom
- It is capitalist America that produced the modern independent woman. Never in history have women had more freedom of choice in regard to dress, behavior, career, and sexual orientation.
- Camille Paglia on Freedom
- It is clear that not in one thing alone, but in many ways equality and freedom of speech are a good thing.
- It is crucial that members of Congress cast votes that are supportive of the values upon which our nation was founded: equality, freedom, and opportunity for all people.
- It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature and everlasting beauty of monotony.
- Benjamin Britten on Freedom
- It is easy to believe in freedom of speech for those with whom we agree.
- Leo McKern on Freedom
- It is exactly because we are a city that embraces freedom, that welcomes everyone and encourages their dreams, that New York remains on the front lines in the war on terror.
- Michael Bloomberg on Freedom
- It is for each of us freely to choose whom we shall serve, and find in that obedience our freedom.
- Mary Richards on Freedom
- It is hard to know how many people do, but given that the people are so docile towards the rulers, nowadays, very few Americans show the passion for freedom that our forefathers had.
- James Bovard on Freedom
- It is not natural or inevitable that half the world goes hungry that the freedom of markets trumps protection of the planet or that citizens' rights come second to those of corporations.
- Frances O'Grady on Freedom
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