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- And so, today, if the state can no longer appeal to the old moral principles that belong to the Christian tradition, it will be forced to create a new official faith and new moral principles which will be binding on its citizens.
- Christopher Dawson on Faith
- And that's the great thing about living the Christian life and trying to live by faith, is you're trying to get better every day. You're trying to improve.
- And the attitude of faith is the very opposite of clinging to belief, of holding on.
- Alan Watts on Faith
- Ann Romney makes all women proud by the way she has conducted her life as a strong woman of faith, as a mother, as a wife and as a true patriot.
- Nikki Haley on Faith
- Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: 'Ye must have faith.'
- Max Planck on Faith
- Anyone who is to find Christ must first find the church. How could anyone know where Christ is and what faith is in him unless he knew where his believers are?
- Martin Luther on Faith
- Anyone who knows history, particularly the history of Europe, will, I think, recognize that the domination of education or of government by any one particular religious faith is never a happy arrangement for the people.
- Eleanor Roosevelt on Faith
- Anyone who really studies Catholicism deeply is aware of the mystical nature of our faith. Even references to Christ's mystical body has connections to that principle.
- Dennis Kucinich on Faith
- Are you gonna fuel your faith or fuel your fear? I'm all about fueling my faith, especially when it's hard to do so.
- Carrie-Anne Moss on Faith
- Art requires neither complaisance nor politeness nothing but faith, faith and freedom.
- Gustave Flaubert on Faith
- As a Christian, there is no other part of the New Right ideology that concerns me more than its self-serving misuse of religious faith.
- Mark Hatfield on Faith
- As a people of faith, we know that prayer is a powerful instrument. And as one Nation under God, we know that many times our most powerful tool is prayer.
- Nick Rahall on Faith
- As a small business owner for the last 15 years, when I think of what truly changed my life, it was my faith, a strong family, my mom did a really, really good job of encouraging me in very clear and discernible ways.
- As a world view, Darwinism cannot of course be refuted, since Faith is, always has been, and always will be, stronger than facts.
- Francis Parker Yockey on Faith
- As crucial as religion has been and is to the life of the nation, America's unifying force has never been a specific faith, but a commitment to freedom - not least freedom of conscience.
- Jon Meacham on Faith
- As reason is a rebel to faith, so passion is a rebel to reason.
- Thomas Browne on Faith
- As someone with a deep faith in competition and the market, I also know that markets only work with tough enforcement of the rules that guarantee competition and fair play - and that the pressure to break those rules only gets stronger as the amount of money involved gets larger.
- Eliot Spitzer on Faith
- As the most extravagant errors were received among the established articles of their faith, so the most infamous vices obtained in their practice, and were indulged not only with impunity, but authorized by the sanction of their laws.
- David Brainerd on Faith
- As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.
- Emmanuel Teney on Faith
- Ask those who love Him with a sincere love, and they will tell you that they find no greater or prompter relief amid the troubles of their life than in loving conversation with their Divine Friend.
- Alphonsus Liguori on Faith
- At issue in the Hiss Case was the question whether this sick society, which we call Western civilization, could in its extremity still cast up a man whose faith in it was so great that he would voluntarily abandon those things which men hold good, including life, to defend it.
- Whittaker Chambers on Faith
- At issue was the question whether this man's faith could prevail against a man whose equal faith it was that this society is sick beyond saving, and that mercy itself pleads for its swift extinction and replacement by another.
- Whittaker Chambers on Faith
- At least the fundamentalists haven't tried to dilute their message. Their faith is exposed for what it is for all to see.
- Richard Dawkins on Faith
- At the time I perceived most religious men, particularly the pastors with all their talk about love, faith and relationship, as effeminate.
- At times of distress, we all like to recall the advice of fathers and mothers. The best advice my father gave me was to keep faith and deep confidence in the potential of the Greek people nurture the belief that they can do things.
- George Papandreou on Faith
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